Kim Jong Un in bad shape (Allegedly)

He’s not friends with Google :stuck_out_tongue::joy::joy:

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Not knowing who Kim Jong Il or Dennis Rodman is… @tommy525 seems a bit out of his element here.


haha i do know kim jong il and read up on NK> miserable place.
Rodman i gotta read up on again, hes just not on my radar

edit: OK, Rodman, basketball player…ok, i dont play basketball nor follow it. I like it as much as i like football, which is zero.
read a little bit bout him and jong UN. but not enough to comment…

Actually I don’t really follow or watch any sports of any kind. Sad I know

In that event, a worst-case scenario is suggested by Van Jackson, who considers the possibility of a dangerous power struggle inside North Korea escalating into a military clash between the U.S. and China if North Korea were to become destabilized. He notes the prospect of internal unrest – even civil war – within North Korea, must raise the issue of the security of North Korea’s nuclear weapons. If civil order breaks down, U.S. forces in South Korea, and the South Korean military, might be forced to intervene north of the DMZ to secure these weapons. A U.S. move closer to the Yalu could then easily trigger a response from Beijing.

Yes all good points and that’s why China supposedly sent a team to help because they want to make sure things don’t get outa hand
However Jung un is a wild card
Crazy man in my view and having him around is not necessarily better

He’s a crazy man with nukes
Not sure his successor is better but he’s still
Dangerous in his own right

False sense of security having him around

Oh didn’t mean anything about your personal views on the Kim family

Just throwing something in the chat ring for the dogs to fight

If Jong Un dies and there is an orderly transition of power to his sister or someone else from the inner circle, then it’s business as usual.

However if things unravel, then you would essentially have the US and Chinese army at either side of the border/frontline for the first time since 1950 in what could be a very delicate situation indeed… it didnt end too well last time

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You mean Kim Park Lee? :rofl: You basically get 33% of the name right for any Korean person with this combo.


This article is right up @IbisWtf ‘s alley.



“We regret to inform you that people are stanning Kim Jong-Un’s sister”

AHAHAhahAhahAHa, that was a good joke!


He seems be ok now after his break from the public spotlight.

The nasty fecker lives.

Or they just grabbed some poor fat bastard off the street, and the plastic surgery is now complete.


Finding a fat bastard in North Korea would be more of a problem than plastic surgery. Although they may have a few guys getting fattened up on a cheese only diet just in case.


More likely I guess is that he probably already had a body double or two on call and it just took a while to add some finishing touches to make their likeness stand up to closer scrutiny.


Maybe he was just immersed in a long binge-play of the Final Fantasy VII PS4 remake. Came out April 10th, he stopped showing up to events starting April 11. Dates line up.


There’s something to this. 36 y.o. is the right age for someone to have poured hours and hours in FFVII during their teenage years.

I wonder if that is what happened?? It seems one time deal and not seen since.

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A lot of rumor-mongers on reddit think it was a double and he’s dead. Or that the film was older than last month and was just doctored to make it look new. I don’t know what to believe. Certainly weird situation…

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I don’t think he is dead. I don’t see what benefit they would have pretending he is alive for a long period of time.

Maybe they don’t want little sis’ to take over. It is a very patriarchal society… much more than South Korea. And there’s no other adult male heirs with the Kim blood that they trust. So it’s either little sis’ or some random general.