Knife attack in Taoyuan: Gay hate crime

Ah. Thanks for your response.

@Charlie_Jack I also thought “domestic” meant “domestic worker” and probably not “domestic incident”.

I think you mean “hijab” and not “burqa” - in an editorial last Dec about Indonesians in Taiwan, the author cites the wearing of the hijab as a growing concern. He also notes that there are over 230,000 Indonesians in Taiwan today – of which migrant workers (including domestic workers) make up the largest group.

A few years ago, I was attending mass at Guting Sacred Heart Catholic Church, which is in Gongguan, near NTU. I understand the congregation to have a large component of graduate students drawn from all over Taipei. At one point, the commentator at the front of the church did a hand-raising poll to check how many people from different countries there were attending that day. Like many of us that day, I expected Filipinos to be the most number of hands raised – and there were a lot of us, but much less than I expected. When Indonesians were asked to raise their hands, the large number that did made them by far the biggest group in attendance. It was so surprising that many of us laughed (oohing and clapping).

In short, not all Indonesians in Taiwan are migrants, nor are they all muslims… and fanatics from anywhere (including Taiwan) are liable to do crazy things because they are crazy fanatics.


Great post, @GooseEgg, and that article looks interesting, too. I think I’m gonna have to read it. For several years now, I haven’t been paying attention to Taiwan news nearly as well as I used to. I wasn’t even all that clued up about Taiwan in the old days, but lately I’ve been really in the dark. And I don’t think it’s because of Covid, in my case. I think I’ve just become a slouch about it.

Again, great post.