Knife attack in Taoyuan: Gay hate crime

Fifteen years here and I believe this is the first gay-related hate crime I’ve heard about. Fortunately nobody died. How much you want to bet the assailant is connected to Christianity/Islam in some fanatic way, and/or struggling with his own sexuality?


Has it been issued in English media yet?

That is a big group. I know one thing for sure. He had mental problems.

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It could be the case, but I won’t take the bet. My money is on a domestic.

Christians are a big group but I haven’t seen any that’s that fanatic yet. They tend to be very religious and pro law and order. There is even a gay church near Longshan temple MRT station.

There are not enough Muslims in Taiwan to be of a concern… yet. Though I’m seeing more and more burqa here than before. Taiwan is a crappy place to be wearing a burqa. Though to be honest Taiwan’s a crappy place to be a Muslim. Everything here is pork…

My bet is on individuals who have problems or something.

That’s actually what I meant, a local person with twisted thinking.

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This makes me so angry, it was his freaking husband, what the hell is wrong with being all lovey-dovey? Some people just can’t stand to see us being happy. I’m glad it is just a one time thing, and I hope it doesn’t become a recurrent situation.


I haven’t ever seen anyone wearing a burqa in Taiwan before. Plenty of hijabs and the occasional niqab, but never a burqa.


I’ve also yet to see one.

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What’s with the implied links to Islam here? I don’t see a shred of evidence of this.


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The OP wrote possibilities of Christian or Muslim fundamentalists, no news source mentions anything to do with it, it’s only speculation on the OP’s part.

Christians in Taiwan are extremely pro law and order and there aren’t enough Muslims here to have any sort of problems with Islamists. Taiwan is a terrible place to be a Muslim anyways. There might be a small number of Hui people in Taiwan who are Muslim but in general Hui people are extremely nationalist and are loyal to China, and would never even entertain the thought of causing mayhem in the name of Allah.

Or Christianity

Some of them were the most vocal homophobes during the same sex marriage debates.

You do know there are hundreds of thousands of Indonesians and other Muslims here in Taiwan? I have no idea how their presence is relevant to this horrible hate crime.


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Yea they’re homophobes but it doesn’t mean they will go around stabbing gay people. Plus there are gay churches out there even if they are in the minority.

The crazy Muslims that will do this sort of thing will literally think they are doing it for Allah, and are more dangerous.

Let’s not go assigning any blame just yet, or casting aspersions on groups here. We’ll see what the facts are soon enough I’m sure.


I mentioned fanatical Christians and Muslims because they have a history of espousing hatred of gays to the point of violence. That this incident happened in Taiwan surprised me and made me wonder what outside force might have molded the assailant’s thought process.

It’s true that it seems like only a mentally deranged person would act this way; my own thinking is that religious fanaticism borders on mental instability.


My bet is on domestic as well. Meaning domestic violence. second guess, drug/meds/mental illness causing “temporary (?) insanity”.

Although I havent personally seen real hatred towards gays here either, many (males) talk about the disrespect they have gotten. the more offending stories I have been told by gay friends are those of clinics/hospitals and the nurses and doctors passing pretty crude judgment and hateful words (even the wishing of death). This almost always was surrounding STD testing, namely HIV. I could see a crazy going over the top on a week long meth stint with no sleep after reading something about NHI financial issues, price hikes and gays spreading disease. but all speculation. Have seen that situation. play on repeat countless times, but without violence.

it would seem from my limited observations there is far more real disrespect towards gay men than women, or maybe that’s just what I hear more…though I have a way bigger network of lesbian friends/family than gay men. my assumption is it has to do more with either disease spread or losing the family name which both seem fairly male leaning.

Homophobes are homophobes. There is no reason to blame any religion for hate. Even in the US, while you have churches that literally go around picketing at military funerals about how “god hates gays” and certain presidential hopefuls hiring preachers to talk at their “im running for Prez” rally that insist Hurricane Katrina was God’s message that gays are going to ruin the world, the vast, vast, vast majority of practicers of these religions do NOT believe that shit and would NEVER commit an act of violence against ANYONE, including their worst enemy, in the name of their religion.

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At first, I thought you probably meant “a fight or attack that happens in a home between people who know each other,” but then I thought that you might mean “someone paid to do work, such as cleaning and cooking, in someone else’s house.”

Then I discovered that I was wrong on both counts. You really meant “relating to a person’s own country”:

(italics mine)

Anyway, I’m glad that got cleared up.


I meant the former.