

…and by the way, do you know one place on earth where women are feeling safe at 1 AM on a bus in the suburbans of a big city?"[/b][/color][/quote]

Err, who said anything about 1 AM? Most of the molestations take place during rush hour…and yes, last I heard in the west being molested on the boss wasn’t in the top ten concerns of women…it’s probably not in the top 50.

To TS,

I share your point of view and I did mention that my 8 months were probably not to compare with Tokki1’s.

I felt some anti-foreign attitudes sometimes myself. Of course, but I knew about the culture pretty soon. (That book helped a lot)

I was not acting as a “foreigner” coming over to change all Korea.
I did had to live with the fact that THEY indeed do not want to have too much “mixed blood” in their country (if you know what I mean)
There is a shortage of women in Korea (as “by luck” a lot of boys are born) and of course that they see each non-Korean (As also Japanese, Thai, and Blacks etc) as a probable “threat”.

I only wanted to say, that it is a real “coincidence” being attacked 3 times in a month.
One of the places (Hongdae) is now full of American Soldiers (as they can not get their “thing” anymore in Itaewon)
4 years? yep, but if he was “brighter” he would have avoid Hongdae.
By the way, I had 5 parties over there organized by my company.
Result: No American GI’s : NO problems with the locals…
I still believe there is something else behind this Tokki story.


I can assure you there isn’t. The areas you mentioned (Hongdae and Itaewon) are places my friend hasn’t been since his first year there. Tokki is someone who has made considerable effort to make inroads with the Koreans. He has put considerable effort into Korean language study and, as a result, speaks the language better than most expats.He knows the ropes there, likely better than you ever did. You are entitled to your opinion (as ill informed as it may be), but I would ask for a little consideration as this is a pretty serious matter. Victim blaming is very unbecoming.

BUUUUP - wrong answer TS.

“I was attacked by a gay gangster in Hongdae” Tokki wrote.

Wrong place

Whoa, creepy.

Seriously creepy.

You’re making it personal. Look at the accusatory tone of your posts regarding this subject. For you, tokki is just an anonymous person on the internet. For me, he is a friend of quite a few years. I already asked you to back off because you don’t have all the facts and I know this person. Yet you continue in your thoughtless posts and assumptions about a person you’ve never met. How would you react if our positions were reversed? I would appreciate it if you would cease your thoughtless posts on this subject.

I’m not really willing to debate the Hongdae thing with you at any length, either. It’s all largely irrelevent. A victim of a random, racially motivated attack is not at fault regardless of where is occurs. That these no-go zones exist in Seoul puts a check in the box for life in Taipei, IMO.

Got your message and I am ending these posts about this subject…
Not worth making more noise about this, neither making it a further debate…
Shit happens, and unluckely it happened with your friend, in Seoul…

Hope Tokki will do fine , as I … in Taiwan.

http://www.eslcafe.com/forums/korea/ - Dave’s ESL Cafe Korea forums … except this link is broken because Forumosa insists on capitalising the “K” in “Korea” even when it’s in a URL… copy the URL and change the “k” to lower-case.

http://forum.japantoday.com/ - Japan Today forums

[quote=“Asian Pacific Post”]The Seoul Times said that a local Yahoo-style portal named Daum has also set up a petition to rid South Korea of

Great… Now I’m really looking forward to my visit to Seoul with my wife and son this coming August.

That’s horrible! That only describes about 80% of them. :laughing: :laughing: …sounds about right to me.

Sorry, Tigerman. :blush: Well, I believe that if you don’t look like an English teacher or GI, you won’t have any problems. My dad has recently been to Seoul and had a great time.

Edit: Don’t forget to buy the right travel accessories before you go. :laughing:

http://www.eslcafe.com/forums/Korea/ - Dave’s ESL Cafe Korea forums … except this link is broken because Forumosa insists on capitalising the “K” in “Korea” even when it’s in a URL… copy the URL and change the “k” to lower-case.

http://forum.japantoday.com/ - Japan Today forums[/quote]

Interesting. I know some peope think we shouldn’t discuss other countries here, but I wonder if there’s something to be learned from those other forums. Some new topic areas. Better automatic spell corrector (actually your hot link was OK and I didn’t have to cut and paste and fix the capital K). If I wanted an insular environment I’d have stayed in the US.

Probably the main lesson was already known. Some perv at that Korea englishspectrum site posted ideas on how to molest your students. They didn’t have (enough) moderators, and now their site is down. “Secondly, we have secured more moderators to help ensure that offensive posts are discovered and deleted sooner, rather than later.” This guy, and Korea’s media, have apparently set off a real firestorm of negativity. Oddly enough, he’s only made his own sick life that much more difficult.


“Some perv at that Korea englishspectrum site posted ideas on how to molest your students.”

Not the kind of sex I thought would be involved. :noway: I was thinking more about “Fluid, I mean Language exchanges, such that are available on other sites.”

“Oddly enough, he’s only made his own sick life that much more difficult.”

I hope so. :loco: