So, I’ve been working for the same cram school for over 8 years. Pretty easy, good hourly pay, I walk in, teach and walk out. I just figured out that they have not been paying any labor insurance or making any kind of pension contributions. Is this normal? They tried to avoid giving me health insurance when I started, but when I suggested that I just go and get it myself my insurance card miraculously appeared with in a week. I know that the owner has screwed over many other people so it doesn’t surprise me. They told a new teacher that they will only give her health/labor insurance if they can decrease the money they declare and that she pay 50% because according to their school contract (what ever that means) the amount the government requires them to pay is too much. I don know that if a business has 5 or fewer employees they are exempt from some of this and my school is made up of 3 companies. But, there are more than 18 people working there so it appears we have gone over the threshold. I’ve checked some of the other posting, but most seem to be quite old.
So the questions are:
Is the school required to pay labor insurance? I work 16 hours a week.
Are they required to make pension contributions?
If this these things are required, is is possible to get them to make backpayments?
If they have one employee enrolled in labor insurance under their name, they need to enroll all employees, including part-time employees. This is not stated in the Labor Insurance Act but is stated in an official interpretation (2014 iirc) by the Ministry of Labor, which can be found at the website of the Bureau of Labor Insurance. I can dig it up if necessary.
The BLI can fine an employer four times the amount of the missing premiums (or ten times in some cases). This only goes back a certain number of years.
In the event that you’re entitled to receive a benefit, the BLI calculates it based on the reported salary (adjusted in accordance with the Act), but you can sue the employer for the difference. In that case, you don’t need to worry about proving your salary years ago, because the calculation of your benefit is based on the last few months before the relevant incident.
(NB: This is for laobao, not jiubao.)
Pension payments are another story, and it depends on whether you’re in the new or old system. I think the most recent thread about that is “Pensions for permanent residents”.
Here’s the thread for anyone who’s interested. Tl/dr: PR’s were added to the new system last year, except for those who opted out before the deadline. The BLI can take administrative action against your employer, but if it doesn’t, you need to go to court.
Thanks! It’s just such a pain in the ass. I might be switching to a full time university gig, but this still pisses me off and I wouldn’t mind causing this slimeball some grief for the next year or two.