Labor Insurance - Survivors Allowance

I was wondering if any of you guys had any experience with Labor Insurance survivors allowance. The labor insurance site has the following text regarding it in English and Chinese. I’m confused about the first part (under qualification) where it says “persons who have insurance coverage seniority before January 1, 2009”. Firstly, what is meant by “insurance coverage seniority” and does this mean that the family of those who didn’t meet that criteria before Jan 1 2009 don’t get any survivors allowance? That’s what it seems but I can’t quite believe it…

Survivor Allowance:

  1. Qualification: The insured persons who have insurance coverage seniority before January 1, 2009 and died while the insurance is still effective and have left spouse, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters raised by the insured persons while they were alive.
  2. Benefit Standards:
  3. For those insured persons whose combined insurance coverage seniority is less than one year, a ten-month Survivor allowance shall be issued based on the average monthly Insurance Salary for six months before the month (included) the insured person died.
  4. For those insured person whose combined insurance coverage seniority is more than one year but less than two years, a twenty-month Survivor allowance shall be issued based on the average monthly Insurance Salary for six months before the month (included) the insured person died.
  5. For those insured person whose combined insurance coverage seniority is more than two years, a thirty-month Survivor allowance shall be issued based on the average monthly Insurance Salary for six months before the month (included) the insured person died.
  1. 二、遺屬津貼(被保險人於 98 年 1 月 1 日前有保險年資者始得請領)
  2. (一)、普通傷病死亡:
    1. 保險年資合併未滿 1 年者,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6個月之平均月投保薪資, 1 次發給 10 個月遺屬津貼。
    2. 保險年資合併已滿 1 年而未滿 2 年者,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6 個月之平均月投保薪資, 1 次發給 20 個月遺 屬津貼。
    3. 保險年資合併已滿 2 年者,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6個月之平均月投保薪資, 1 次發給 30 個月遺屬津貼。
  3. (二)、因職業傷害或罹患職業病死亡:不論保險年資,按其死亡之當月(含)起前 6 個月之平均月投保薪資,發給 40 個月遺屬津貼。

This website also seems to explain it in this way:


若被保險人於 98 年 1 月 1 日年金開辦前有保險年資,則在保險有效期間時死亡,其配偶、子女及父母、祖父母或受被保險人生前扶養之孫子女及兄弟、姊妹者,可選擇一次請領遺屬津貼

GPT Translation:

Survivor allowance
If the insured person had insurance before the pension system started on January 1, 1998, and dies during the insurance validity period, their spouse, children, parents, grandparents, or grandchildren and siblings who were supported by the insured person during their lifetime can choose to receive a one-time survivor allowance.

So I guess if weren’t enrolled in labor insurance before Jan 1, 1998 then their family members get no survivors allowance :confused:

As a consolation, it seems that those who cannot got the survivors benefit are entitled to a 10 month insured salary funeral allowance instead of 5 months.

If the insured persons died and their dependents do not meet the criteria for claiming Survivor pension or Survivor allowance or there is no dependent, the persons who pay for the funeral expenses could claim a ten-month funeral allowance based on the average monthly Insurance Salary for six months before the month the insured person died.

It’s the Minguo year 98, thus should be 2009.


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