Labor Insurance

Woman at the Labor Board told my friend that he is entitled to a Labor Insurance payout being he’s 62 and worked at his company for 13 years, 10 months. She did however say that if he obtained new full time employment for another year + 2 months (to reach a 15-year threshold) he would be entitled to more $. Does anyone have experience with this situation?
I told him that Labor Insurance benefits don’t kick in until one is 64 years of age so he’ll need to wait a couple of years anyway. Anyone here who can offer their thoughts on this, or direct him to a website with useful info on this topic? Thanks

So your friend visited the Labor Board and got advised by a staff member what he is entitled to? Did you ask the woman for a website link?

Q1. Yes. Q2. I didn’t ask anyone anything, I wasn’t at the office. I’ll ask him about any website.