Lack of pride for rental landlords

You’ve been looking at the wrong places.

I.e Whole of the Taipei area.


Are you going to suggest now that Taiwan is a renter’s utopia, where landlords consistently take the utmost pride in the apartments they’re renting out? :see_no_evil:

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No. I mean the wrong websites or facebook groups.

Why would a landlord give a fuck about pride? It’s not a flower show.

I am suggesting that when I look for places it’s usually fine, though I look for it in Chinese. It is possible that searching in English could lead to different results. I joined a Facebook group for renting for foreigners and the same place would be more expensive if it’s advertised in English.

I would imagine many of the people complaining here use 591 in Chinese, because the few English-language options generally suck and can be more expensive as you say. And abysmal-looking places on 591 aren’t exactly rare…

When I searched places between 20-30k on 591 they look fine. If you are looking for a larger place then you need to up your budget. That’s just common sense.

The problem is they look fine on 591 pictures. Then I go see them in person and they turn out to have all sorts of issues

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Could someone share a picture of a place on 591 that looks fine (not super nice)? Most of what I see looks pretty terrible, and the few that don’t are more than double the price.


I haven’t been to this one but I think it looks decent from the pictures

Edit: I don’t know what you think is a decent price though

This one looks like a pretty sweet deal — the kitchen apparently comes supplied with a free can of beer.


Ah yea, that place does look nice, I think we’re on the same page as far as quality haha. Unfortunately for me I need to house a whole family so ideally I’d have a lot of space and quality too :man_shrugging:

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22K for 9 ping near 大橋頭? I have been out of the rental game for too long, holy cow!


You think the landlord will also give you a free tetanus shot when you meet for the tour of the apartment?


Oh damn then the price will definitely be higher. But it looks there are a lot more options for 2-3 bedrooms

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And Neihu has sidewalks!


Yes, don’t you dare touch our rooftops!


You can get a two bedroom house for 10 to 15 000 a month in New Taipei where I live. Yeah at 25,000 it better be dam good.

You can ask the landlord to fix those issues before you move in. If they don’t suck they would. If they do then move on.

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My Taiwaneses friend’s parent’s place was constantly dirty with crap lying around on the floor, litteraly anything you can think of and these were highly educated, highly successful people. (Talking doctors and professors in university)

My friend’s place in Taiwan also looks like something a horder would have (if they were mostly hording alcohol)

I think it’s just a weird culture they have. Definately something they could have taken more tips from the Japanese.


Nah. I have upped my “budget”, by which I mean search permutations, incrementally up from 20k all the way to 300k/mo. You can just get bigger and bigger shitty spaces, with a few unicorns in the mix. There are plenty of acceptable places in the 30-50k/mo range, but they’re not nice enough to justify the price.