Lack of pride for rental landlords

Really? I think it’s going to be a craphole though.
Xindian and Muzha it’s going to be 20k minimum for walk-up,30k for elevator …

If you say so.

This looks good in a good area , it will be gone very quickly or it doesn’t actually exist and they will try to show you other apartments instead. I doubt it’s legit

I saw what you did there. :upside_down_face:



This is true, I get invites to peoples homes and mostly the time is a complete mess, totally another level not seen before. Not loss face in that regard i guess.


I know this guy that rents a rooftop on a 4 floors + rooftop building. 3th floor was renovating and suddenly the rooftop didn’t have electricity. Landlord of the rooftop (living abroad) didn’t do squat, no one knew what was wrong. Just excellent.


From what I understand, it’s only considered lost face if you verbally call them out for being messy? To be honest I don’t understand the whole losing face concept very well

some definitions about losing face:

The Chinese concept of “ face ” (aka 面子 or miànzi) refers to a cultural understanding of respect, honor and social standing. Actions or words that are disrespectful may cause somebody to “lose face” while gifts, awards and other respect-giving actions may “give face”.

‘Losing face’ be caused by embarrassment, disagreement, or criticism** . ‘Losing face’ is equal to losing the respect of others, and avoiding this situation (‘saving face’) is very important in Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean, cultures


It’s a bit tricky for sure.

It basically depends on how you think others will perceive you in a given situation and whether you care about how they feel about you.

For instance, you won’t lose face ripping somebody off if the people that see you admire your skill in ripping somebody off . Like other business people.

And if nobody saw how badly you treated somebody you can never lose face because nobody has seen it. Therefore it’s not a problem.

But if you were to rip somebody off that was a poor granny in your neighbourhood in front of the neighbours that would be seen as a loss of face…Something to that effect.

Basically a) somebody else has to know about it and b) you have to care about how they perceive you .

What about ripping off everyone in your neighbourhood in front of the poor, old granny.

But she’s also half blind…

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You won’t lose face with other landlords.

But you may lose face with your own mother. Maybe. Probably not in Taiwan though as you are keeping the money in the family.


Reminds me of a time I went to look at a place with my friend in downtown Taichung. An older building, nasty scooters and walls everywhere, dirty dinky little elevator that didn’t feel safe, hallways so bland and lifeless, and the best part…inside the unit walls stacked to the brim with just a bunch of junk. Covered in sheets/plastic wrap and walls dirty from all the smoking and cooking…if you could even see any of the walls over everything that was piled up. Guy who owned the place was happy to show it off though…was an interesting experience.

It’s an investment. Do you take pride in a stock you own?

I have never seen a clean apartment in Taiwan. And now my apartment looks like a typical Taiwanese apartment.

I got used of it, but is still a lose of face when I get a visit.

well, many people check it daily, clean it periodically from sub par investments, inject more funds into it to make it grow and often discuss it with other like minded people.
apartments in TW on the other hand are left to rot and store the landlord’s grandma old furniture.


People here think of apartments as an investment with low yield but high capital gains. Rather than putting more money into property they already own, with limited rental yield upside, they tend to use extra funds to accumulate more property.


who are these people, and how do they do it on a TW salary ?
almost all my TW friends that have multiple apartments got it from inheritance after parents and grandparents passed away and left them apartments.but these are not the people buying the new properties being built. and dont say hitech :), there aren’t that many people working in this sector to fuel the price surge of recent years.


If you can afford 300K a month buy a place. Why would you pay 300K a month to rent?

You check it daily to see how it’s doing - not necessary for a rental. You don’t inject more funds into an existing stock to make that stock grow.

usually taking pride in your investments with basic maintenance to help them grow helps increase your returns. if you buy stock and just sit on it, never bothering to check its value, then you sell it without even checking the market youll lose money. this especially true if you you consider your portfolio as a whole as your investment rather than each individual stock. but anyway realestate is a different kind of investment so its not really a good analogy