Large Majority of Americans Want Voter ID Laws

You did not provide evidence that they are no longer biologically human.

They’re humans. They have human rights like everyone else.

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That’s your opinion.

No… It’s scientific fact that they are biologically human.


what is the obvious,? They are human?

I’m not arguing they aren’t genetically human. I’m arguing they aren’t socially human. That should be obvious.

it’s your opinion.

It doesn’t matter. Human is human. It doesn’t change the fact that humans, including ones we disagree with or ones that have done very bad things do deserve human rights and Humane treatment.

Of course.

Many believe the only thing they deserve is having their “human” existence come to a quick end.

That doesn’t make it correct. If I kill a killer, does that not make me a killer?

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most of human rights could be said to be a privilege.

Not in my opinion.
One is justified, one isn’t.

Who decides such justification?

Yes. Morality and human rights are just made up stuff that may or may not improve our survival chances.

Society as a whole usually.

That is due to the deliberate reframing of human rights as something innate to every human merely by their existence, independent of another person or organization, to something which demands that other people or organizations must give you something.

Says a lot about such a society that thinks so lowly of their fellow man.

Like I said before, many people would not consider them “men” any longer.

More like the gum stuck on the bottom of one’s shoe.

And many more people and many more societies think otherwise.

That we are better than the terrible deeds done that we do not need to resort to such low actions.

The key to end pain and suffering is not more pain and suffering. :rofl:

Does this mean that every human should be able to vote regardless of age? Do you need to be a lawful citizen of a country to vote in it? What about a lawful resident?