Latest entry restrictions

Hi. Can someone please share the latest entry restrictions? A gov website link would be great. Thanks.

As far as Covid its back to where it was before it started, the only thing I notice now is the free test boxes (get one!, save some cash) at KHH Airport and Taoyuan too. As far as immigration that depends on your passport and/pre visa/ARC.

There might be hand bag scan, dependent on where your coming from, and body temp check (this was in place pre COVID).

No paper work/forms or tests required for COVID as of now.


There are none. There have not been any restrictions for a long long time. Since September 2022 I believe. Also Taiwan never had any vaccination requirement to enter.

Looks like the last restrictions were lifted Feb 2023.

They’re still doing that?!

Given the category, just realised you may be asking about visa’s, try

Yup, saw it last week. 4 years on and they still can’t let go of their covid ‘glory’ days.

Thanks all. Entered Taiwan without any issues.

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