Learning guitar. crash course

To keep it blunt. In 6 months the I want to be able to play a song, and sing, at a wedding. Singing, whatever. But guitar is a problem. I live somewhere and have a work/family/social schedule that makes lessons nearly impossible time wise. I want to learn cords and how to know how to read basic sheet music in order to play 1 song for the wedding. I get this seems dumb. But coming from literally ZERO understanding. I don’t even really listen to music. But I want to do this!

It is what it is. As a loved one, my shitty performance will eb forgiven, but I prefer it sounds at least mostly right haha. I will buy a guitar to practice on soon. Anyone know good youtube type places to learn the basics? Not sure if my logger fingers can manage, but my brain can, and I want to cram style just to get this song out to the wedding. Even it it ends up embarrassing, it should be at least well rehersed. I want to learn the basics. From literally nothing. I don’t even know the names of the songs I like, I am that disconnected. So basic, guitar strings, musical iotes on upwards. Any suggestions?

You want a tab, easy to teach yourself. Don’t need to teach yourself music, just learn a song

Names of song you like is important. Can you name some bands you like?

This has been a first song for a lot of people, easy to play


I like that song as well. I think the song I am to play is relatively simple and along those lines.

Don’t judge it because lyrics/wedding haha. But this is the actual song I am to play for them:

Seems doable. But need to figure out the guitar bit haha.

I don’t know the song, but here’s a tab

These are easy chords, looks like there is some picking there. If the picking goes through the whole song, that’s tough for you to sing to for your first song, but if it has to be this song you can just strum the chords

At the top it shows you how to play the chords. The top string is far left, for a C you put your third finger on the 5th string at the third fret, etc.

After that, it is 1 part talent and 5 parts repetition. If you want to pick the whole thing, that’s more practice time for you

The first weeks are the hardest, as you train your fingers to make shapes. You also have to build muscles and calluses, so to start it’ll be hard and can be painful. Just stick with it, it gets easier.

I taught myself, have performed for hundreds on stage and who knows how many thousands on TV and radio


You could start from scratch and be able to play dozens of acoustic pop songs in a month. I would budget 1 hour a day. Self learning from YouTube is enough. Don’t expect to play solos but choose something with simple chords and practice good strumming, rhythm and make sure you’re not blocking any strings while playing chords

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Awesome, thanks man! As a complete moron, I will be checking the definitions of all those words tomorrow. Then probably picking up a guitar later this coming week to start trying.

Sorry to be even more ignorant and stupid. But for acustic, can I just get cheapo guitar for now, and all the strings are more or less good enough to practice? The ceremony they will have better equipment that i can practice in a week or so ahead of time.

As i type this I feel the moron within and can’t stop the need to apologize for these really dumb questions. But it’s intended as a surprise and I want to learn alone without anyone knowing for said surprise. The anxiety has already set in haha.

Oh yeah, frets. Don’t fret, it isn’t rocket science. If we could sit down for an hour this would be easier. Not that I’ve held a guitar for years, but I used to play a lot

Yup. But a used guitar with a bent neck will be hell for your fingertips. Don’t need a fancy guitar, but a cheapo that is easy on your fingers is important

Not stupid, you’re just new

You have to practice a lot, how are you gonna do that in secret?

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By good on the fingers, I assume the body and neck fit my body alright so I don’t strain?

I am waiting for a delivery as I type this. I am sitting between a river and a forest right now. I can use the time I post on this website to practice while waiting for workers, deliveries, whatever haha. Amazing how much time I am waiting for someone else. If I just throw a guitar in the back of the truck, I imagine it would be alright. Or so I hope.

Shit, you guys would get a break from my China rants if I had a guilar to practice while waiting!

I mean, a cheap used guitar might have a big space between the resting string and the wooden neck. Harder for you to push down. Any cheap new guitar should be fine

Banged about, rained on, or stolen come to mind

You can also start learning the song now, the words and the melody. Can you sing along to the whole thing yet?

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Ahh, ok I think I gotcha. My truck is water proof, and would only throw it in when I travel with ti. I often sleep in the back of my truck, so I guess the guitar should be fine. ? Haha. at least to pluck some strings. I might be way off. I’m sure wood warping and that plays a role. But I just want to practice, I don’t care much if it becomes firewood by Christmas. Wedding is November.

The singing part I am worried too, but that at least I can navigate myself more easily. I don’t need to buy tools, just practice. The guitar I am genuinely worried about lol. Shit. I am just worried. But guitar I am 100% ignorant about!

I was visualizing an open bed, sounds like it’ll be fine

For a high end guitar humidity is a concern, for a campfire beater don’t worry about it

It’s like any skill, you mostly just need motivation and time. Not a lot you need to learn to bang out one song by november

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Get a guitar with nylon strings or replace the steel strings. Sounds like you don’t care about long term development, so nylon strings really have no downside. Will be a lot easier for you to learn something as a beginner.


Unless the first time he plays a steel string guitar is at the ceremony. But for this song, if he does it finger picking all the way, nylon strings make a lot of sense


I’m going to suggest Tonic. It’s a practice app that includes a friendly competition by way of cumulative practice time. You can do a private studio, but the default is open studio. Here’s my studio summary from April 29

I have 32 days of 30+ minute practice sessions logged, all with the threat of complete strangers, all better than myself, dropping by for a listen

You can print the lyrics and use private studios to work toward memorizing.

It is a battery hog, and you’ll need signal or WiFi, but it should be an excellent way to build some momentum


A ukulele will be even easier and cheaper.
I’d suggest a ukulele shop and ask them to teach you a little to try a few out.
This could be you!

One of my favorites

And adorable

oh pulleeeease dont try cramming your fingers on a ukulele

find out what sort of guitar you’ll be playing at the event, acoustic or electric?

get a similar style of instrument for your practice


Thanks guys. I also can’t imagine my clumsy fingers doing the ukulele. And I’m not such an adorable fella either.

Acoustic guitar, nothing electric. More just a walk around the tables type thing.

Noted on the nylon, I wouldn’t have known that for sure! Will be in the city in a couple weeks to pick up a cheap guitar to practice. If it sounds fine, no reason I can use it at the wedding I suppose. That’s their decision. As I understand it they have an old wooden family guitar but can’t let me have it here to practice. So probably doesn’t matter that much.

The competition thing seems intriguing. I’m not competitive at all, but I can see the draw on motivation, especially if I am practicing alone. Thanks!

Stretch them out on a guitar then. Maybe even go for a 12 string .
Jeez…he only wants to learn one song.
It’s not like comparing a 1/32 size violin vs a 4/4 size double bass.

I have a 12 string , a six string and a banjo.

The 12 in my opinion is kind of easy for people with long fingers . The six string I wouldn’t go too cheap or if you go cheap then at least get it set up. Are you playing without a mic ?
You need the guitar to sound nice and be easier to play.
I’m a busker here I play all outside with no electronics.
Btw what’s your price range ?