Legal relaxants

When something tragic happens. What are some natural and legal relaxants that people use? Preferably healthy. Or, rather, not extremely unhealthy!

Example, if you see a child smeared across a roadway and you would like some external help to try and deal with that vision, what would it be?

Trying to avoid alcohol and the obvious pharmaceutical products. And so on.

I have found some herbals very mildly relaxing. Chamomile and holy basil work well for me. What are some others? Just to take the edge off life, but not a health issue such as alcohol and pills.

Key point being legal. We all know the illegal healthy ones, but this is in Taiwan. We also know the legal unhealthy ones. Wanting to brainstorm something basically natural, not detrimental/addicting, and not illegal. Does such a wonder leaf exist?


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Nothing leafy really springs to mind (well, leafy and legal). What about guided meditation/breathing exercises? I’ve found them quite useful, when I can be bothered (which isn’t often).

Maybe green tea or Pu-erh tea?


Magnesium is good for the relaxation the body. I use magnesium threonate for sleep in my supplement rotation. Magnesium glycinate is also supposed to be for relaxing.

l theanine is also good. I take it with caffeine to combat any anxiety from it.

Glycine supplements are also good and cheap to get in powder. I drop a teaspoon in my water before bed and it taste sweet.

Taurine is also good for that I’ve noticed.


Sexy time helps a lot

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Reminds me of something I saw over 2 decades ago in Taipei.
Was just about to enter a bank on a busy road when behind me I heard loud screeching brakes. Should not have quickly turned around as inside I knew something was about to happen. A TaiPower truck (small one) ran over a scooter driver’s head with its back wheel. I knew instantly he was dead. Lots of people closer to accident who saw it, so I just turned back around and went into the bank.

I second this. I wouldn’t say it is noticeable, but I think the point is ‘what you don’t notice’ that makes the difference.
Good for restless leg too

Did this happen to you? That’s ruf. I saw a bad wreck when I was a kid. Image does not go away.

You could see about a prescription for antidepressants. Weed or mushrooms work for some people, but obviously not a legal option in Taiwan

How about mindfulness meditation.

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I really suggest not going down this route (and I’m assuming your “example” here is what actually happened). You need to process this without the help of chemicals - natural or otherwise - which by their nature can only delay or interfere with the things you need to do to deal with this event and move on.

When you’re in a dark place it’s a natural instinct to reach out for a ‘wonder leaf’ that will ‘fix’ the problem quickly. But it just doesn’t work (look what happened to Jordan Peterson - and there are millions of faceless individuals with a similar story to tell). I second the advice to try meditation, mindfulness, etc.


I agree with your general point but I do think there is a time a place for medication or treatments using unconventional methods like psychoactive substances. It’s just that they could have significant consequences on the downside with more probability of that without proper consideration of how to actually take them.

I’ve known people who have made significant progress with their drug addiction with unconventional methods like psychedelics. Is it appropriate and would work for everyone? Probably not. But it’s something worth having on the table when addiction can be life and death.

For some weird reason, I developed a phobia of flying during the take off for a short period of time. Just the take off part freaked me out and benzodiazepines really helped during that time because I did have to fly a few times a month. It just went away as quickly as it came.

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Thanks for the suggestions.

In order of post:

I have issues with caffeine. I really don’t need more stimulation, generally speaking I try to avoid stimulants. Caffeine especially keeps me awake all night.

Looking into the magnesium, glycine and taurine. The latter I have never heard of.

I am trying to avoid pills. That’s an area I avoid like the plague. I’m sure banned herbs and medicines would help too, but Taiwan isn’t free and I consult with various law enforcement groups often enough to not want that risk.

I agree finley. I get that. Truly do. But sometimes I just want to be numb for a few hours and not thunk. Right or wrong, I wouldn’t mind a break from thinking. I’m not a basket case and crying into my pillow 24/7. But I am truly disturbed by it and it’s uncomfortable as all fuck. It has affected my sleep. But my dialy life goes on. I would LOVE a herbal tea or something before bed just to help with sleep. Or something along those lines.

I have finished watching all the Stanley cup games so far…I’m TV’d out!

I wasnt involved in any accident. So it’s not stress or legal issues or anything like that. I dont know the people. I have seen countless wrecks in Taiwan. And I deal with them pretty well. I have had a few people die in my arms while trying to help. Usually i am more or less OK with it. it being a child is really bothering more than usual.

Thanks for all the good suggestions :slight_smile:


Therapy! Not drugs!

If you see something that traumatising, you need therapy.

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If, and I stress this, if you have a solid reliable recommendation for a Chinese medicine doctor you could try that route. They are able to legally provide wonder leaf medications that will help calm and relax.

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Any suggestion on species? I supply TCM places, have a good network of herbs and such i can buy. But I don’t trust them (the doctors) much as far as telling me what the ingredients are, so I avoid them like I avoid western styled pills.

Hence stressing the “if”! I’m no expert on what they use, could Google it but a good Chinese medicine doctor can sort you out. Your local hospital may have a Chinese medicine department and the doc’s there tend to be better than average.


Cheers. If someone knows some pla to, do post. Generally speaking I don’t trust those doctors, so I won’t get going there. But, if I knew which species might help I can almost surely buy them after reading up.

So far have been drinking holy basil tea. It’s relaxing, I like it any given day. But it’s a very mild effect.

Do you take l theanine with it? I find it a game changer with caffeine

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I saw something like that, read above, but didn’t need therapy. Obviously depends on each individual’s ability to handle such an event. Now if a family member or friend, then it’s a totally different ball game.

99.99% Clary Sage essential oil. Do not ingest. You can leave about 5 drops on your pillow case before wanting to sleep. Clary Sage not Sage.

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I have used and continue to use exercise to keep myself healthy mentally. During a difficult time two years ago, there were so many times I went swimming in a terrible condition and came out feeling much better. There’s a meme “You’re one swim away from a good mood” that I really like. There were a few instances in which I screamed in the water during my swim. Water is a good conductor of sound. I hope I didn’t freak anyone out!

Hiking is also very therapeutic for me. On Saturday morning, I took my dog out for a walk and was planning on going swimming after we got back to the apartment. There was a slight drizzle, some mist on the mountain, and a bit of coolness in the air. It really fit my mood that day so when we got back to the apartment, I changed to running shorts and shoes and headed up the mountain. I got a pr on the uphill part. I walked down the 4k and did a bit of thinking. I ended up feeling much better mentally after that.

I highly recommend exercise. Something intense as I have found that works best for me. Endorphins and all that.

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