Legality of specific food species (FDA) question

Hello. I am trying to find a list or legally binding document from the government as to what species of plants (animal would be nice but not required as yet) are legally allowed to be eaten.

following this link:

brings us to food species that have limitations of some kind. Where it gets unclear for me is the FDA mentions other traditional/normal foods are permitted without restriction unless mentioned here (or where else?).

What i cannot find is a clear definition of what defines traditional food as this is such a vague statement it boggles my mind to think how that could be interpreted in court… There are lots of things eaten normally by many that are actually dangerous, and so on.

Would really appreciate any help with figuring out this as its totally held up our labeling design and production!

ps. this isnt in regards to endangered species, its about FDA regulations and permission to produce and sell which food species.

Thanks for any pointers.

Are you sure? It says 可供食品使用原料彙整一覽表, or list of acceptable food ingredients

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oh man, talk about funny. 5 mins after posting found it…its taken me weeks to look for this.

anyway for those others curious. the FDA here says normal/traditional food is based the USA GRAS system.

can be found here:

yes but there are problems for example they talk about Noni leaf. but dont mention noni fruit. now i realize its because noni fruit is GRAS and therefor permitted and not on that list as its regarded as safe.

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