Let's talk about impeachment

For whatever they feel like, it’s not horseshit, the Democrats are setting a precedent, impeachment in the House without hearing any witnesses and decided in about 5 minutes flat.

There has never been a trail for a President who has left office. So sorry, the horseshit is coming from those who want to make it the norm.

They can go ahead, it will be pointed out what a sham the entire proceedings are all along the way and in the end, we will see what the outcome is.


Yeah same question as @DrewC , impeached for what, specifically?


Involvement in Ukraine, withholding a billion dollars to get a prosecutor fired.

Doesn’t matter you agree with the version of events, what matters is my interpretation and my interpretation is it was corrupt, the house should impeach in 5 minutes flat and then Mitch McConnell can be the judge on said corruption.

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The truth or falsity of the claims is what matters.

This sounds like a toxic and corrosive mentality that is going to undermine public trust and confidence in the U.S. government and its processes.

What matters is what is TRUE, and JUST. Not GOP thirst for retribution as supposed revenge for their own crimes.


Impeach Obama, Bush.
How about dead presidents?

It didn’t matter to the House when they impeached trump in 5 minutes, self awareness @McNulty Democrats are setting the precedent.

Yes, now do some self reflection, mines a cup of coffee, come back and chat when you apply it to what the Democrats are doing. Glad my little analogy was able to convey what I think the Democrats are doing now.

Did the Democrats encourage a seditionist mob to overthrow the Capitol building? Please Stop talking as if Dems are impeaching for no reason. That’s not what happened.


I disagree with your interpretation, if Trump had wanted the building burnt down there would be nothing but ashes left.

I think the police at the capitol let people in and I think some people breaking windows were agitators.

Of course to ascertain those facts you will need a proper hearing, which the House didn’t do.

That’s the ‘failed’ part of the failed insurrection. Guess what, they’re still traitors to the nation, and so is he. Hence, impeachment. There is a BASIS for this impeachment.

Punitive revenge against the opposition party for made up crimes is NOT a basis for impeachment.

The constant deflections. Why? Just, why? Why double down?


Meh, it’s flimsy at best. Despite your faux outrage in every thread non stop on every topic.

The only question is why wouldn’t ANYONE be outraged at what Trump and his supporters did, and the fact that the GOP watched it happen and said nothing? Only someone that doesn’t care about the United States at all.

Americans care. Hence, impeachment.

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Well, for those that saw the capitol police open up the barriers, usher people in, saw the police inside give directions and saw agitators unaffiliated with Trump breaking windows, they assign the blame elsewhere.

Doesn’t mean there weren’t tons of Trump supporters in there, I saw a little old granny in there too wondering the halls.

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My motive is very simple–I want responsible competent leaders running my country, and I want accountability on the part of my government officials.

Does that bug you?

I have watched you with your faux outrage for weeks now, posting on every topic and in exactly the same way.

It seems to me you would like this event to be your Reichstag fire. Keep on pushing, but know this, others are aware of your motives for doing so.

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My motive is very simple–I want responsible competent leaders running my country, and I want accountability on the part of my government officials. Hence, impeachment.

Good day, sir.

Good day @McNulty

are posts being deleted or edited what’s happening here?

I haven’t deleted any posts nor have I edited any of mine. Can’t speak for @McNulty

My god Moscow Mitch is human trash, first saying Trump was culpable in starting the insurrection, now opposing impeachment.

Thankfully this party has pissed away any semblance of benefit of the doubt they have ever enjoyed. They are full on cretins, this GOP.


It’s like the moderator of this forum posting nonsense and moderating. Judge, jury and witness.