Let's talk about Trump

i´d say he isn´t a real republican with regards to that he doesn´t have any respect for the constitution.

election-wise he´s real good with evangelists, conservatives.

i have have only seen him putting more oil into the fire.

regardless of the BLM protests. what did trump solve or made at least a little bit better the last 4 years?

all i can think of is he stepping up to china yet for all the wrong reasons.

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I don’t think anyone expected the wuhan virus. Does he share some of the blame, sure. But it’s not like he is exclusive to that club in the western world. And things are not even close to how bad the predictions are. Didn’t his opponents want to push 2 million dead by his hands?

I can tell you that a lot of the riots are in Democrat stronghold cities…a lot of the police brutality complaints are also in Democrat-controlled cities. The police are controlled by the local government. I’m not sure it’s him throwing more oil to the fires…

Anyways, these are pretty bold predictions based on very little substance. Not unlike WW3 happening because of him. People have kept predicting the worst, like 2 million dead from the virus in the US…not even close.

What was the black unemployment rate under Trump before the virus wrecked the entire world?

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Aren’t practically all cities democratic? That is where people congregate and the more people the more likely they are to be democratic. Why is that relevant?

And surely you remember the juxtaposition of “Liberate Michigan” vs. calling these protesters terrorists. That is throwing fuel to the fire. That is not leadership.

And what was it under Obama? What policies did Trump enact that directly attributed to lowering of black unemployment.

We can’t have honest discussion if we ignore everything the guy says, just sweep it under rug, and then analyze events as if his actions/words had no influence on them.

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Its time for people claiming this democratic cities noise to prove the correlation between the dem goverments and riots and show that link in real terms.


Because I think it’s easier to blame things on Trump for those in charge rather than to face up to that the people actually in charge of the police didn’t do shit for decades.

Deregulation and tax cuts.

And I voted for Obama…it’s not like one doing a good job is mutually exclusive to the other one doing a good job. Until the virus impacted every other country’s economy, it certainly didn’t tank like I thought it was going to.

I’ve asked this before and never gotten a clear answer. Name one job killing regulation that he removed. I don’t see how dumping coal waste in rivers helped black people but maybe there is something out there.

As for tax cuts, this is the main reason I can never be a Republican. The entire theory was written on the back of a napkin. Reagan tried it, Bush tried it and now Trump. They have never paid for themselves but instead drove up the debt. And at most, provide a temporary incentive that is quickly lost (meaning they dont provide any long term incentive to drive up spending) as companies/people become accustomed to them. But their whole purpose is stimulus. You don’t need to stimulate an already booming economy.

I prefer organic growth such as investing in the education and skillset of our workforce. At best, tax cuts create an asset bubble which we all pay for later because we didn’t save during the good times to take us through the bad, reference 1987, 2008 and now 2020. History repeats itself.


The causes are systemic. That is the whole argument. It’s not any one politician. But when you have a lot of people angry, probably not the best approach to call them all terrorists and those that march fully armed into a state legislature are good people. I think we can all admit that is poor judgement and a lack of leadership.

He could’ve set the tone to unify the country in response to the pandemic. He could’ve set the tone to unify the country in response to protests. He did neither. That is poor leadership and he deserves all the blame for it.

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The 2017 first quarter and second quarter decline, according to NAM, “is likely because manufacturers are optimistic that the new administration will continue to provide regulatory relief and make progress on regulatory and tax reform.” Moreover, the first quarter 2017 survey results show manufacturers’ optimism rose to a new all-time high (average of 93.3%) in the survey’s 20-year history, with the second quarter 2017 survey results registering the second highest all-time high (89.5%).

So what regulatory reform policy efforts has the Trump administration undertaken to improve the U.S. manufacturing sector’s operating environment and justify this optimism? Immediately after entering office, President Trump placed an executive hold on approval of administrative rules (with exceptions made to those pertaining to emergency circumstances relating to health, safety, financial, or national security matters).

Second, the President issued Executive Order 13771 (“Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs”), with the Office of Management and Budget, in a follow-up Memorandum, further explaining its requirements: “In general, executive departments and agencies may comply with those requirements by issuing two “deregulatory” actions for each new significant regulatory action that imposes costs. The savings of the two deregulatory actions are to fully offset the costs of the new significant regulatory action (emphasis added).”

Third, with the assistance of Republican majorities in Congress, President Trump was able to successfully employ the 20 year-old Congressional Review Act, which provides that an administrative rule once repealed cannot be promulgated again without a new act of Congress, to prevent 14 rules adopted in the final months of the Obama administration from taking effect. One of those rules, “Clarification of Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness”, was submitted by the U.S. Department of Labor and had an industry-estimated regulatory cost of $1.9 billion.

Source: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

In the first six months of the Trump administration, the results of regulatory reviews undertaken by the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) (see Figure 2 above) show that this “gatekeeper” Office has approved significantly fewer “major” rules (i.e., having an economic impact of $100 million or more, or meets other criteria specified by the OIRA administrator), and dramatically fewer “minor” rules than the previous three administrations. Compared to his immediate predecessor’s administration, the Trump administration has approved 58 percent fewer “major” rules and 73 percent fewer “minor” rules than the Obama administration during its first six months in office.

For calendar year 2017, it is safe to say that the Trump administration appears to be on-track to generate significantly fewer actual pages (minus blanks and skips) in the Federal Register than the all-time high of 95,894 pages established by the Obama administration for calendar year 2016.

Basically, he improved the business climate for manufacturers by passing significantly fewer regulations and giving tax relief. His executive order right when he got into office states that executive departments and agencies must slash two regulations for every one new regulation proposed. Regulation spending cannot exceed $0, and any costs associated with regulations must be offset with eliminations.

The order also directs the head of each agency to keep records of the cost savings, to be sent to the president.

Moreover, the first quarter 2017 survey results show manufacturers’ optimism rose to a new all-time high (average of 93.3%) in the survey’s 20-year history, with the second quarter 2017 survey results registering the second highest all-time high (89.5%).

then there’s this crapola

Just binged that show. It’s pretty good and will no doubt seem eerily familiar.

Relax, dude. Maybe he’ll just win the Electoral College like last time. :grin:

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Not looking good there either, Cow man.

We shall see, my large mythical friend.

See that tick on the end? Inverted, that’s your v-shaped recovery

Trump fully supports Musk. They are planning a base on the moon apparently.


Not sure what you expect in a global pandemic…

A fully staffed CDC. Leaders tgat actually pay attention when warned of it. Adequate equipment and supplies. Widespread Testing and contact tracking. Leaders willing to listen to scientists that can form coherent ideas to convey to reassure people.

Gallup poll shows Trump approval rating going from 49% to 39% in one month! He’s reaching Bush post-Katrina territory here! :flushed:

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