Life on the MRT 2024

I checked the timetable, one extended express train per hour only and in the morning and evening rush hours. Useless… Also only 5 trains per hour tops in general bound to airport from the closest HSR station makes very little sense to me. Airport MRT needs more frequency.


Once every 15 minutes?
Not bad for an airport metro.
Tyne & Wear Metro only has this kind of frequency on rush hours with ofttimes cancellations on weekends.

Airport MRT is also damn near crickets except for the airport express trains. If you got on the local ones it’s always nearly empty even at rush hour.

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First post in 2024 in this thread.

There are signs everywhere to take your backpack off when riding on the mrt, especially when crowded, but nobody does that regardless of how crowded it is. Do they not understand how obnoxious it is to be squished by some guys oversized backpack?


In Taiwan, signs are made to be ignored. Applies to traffic signs, signage regarding taking off backpacks, signage asking to give priority to the elderly, pregnant women, handicapped, those carrying heavy luggage, etc.


Only respected signs: wear a mask and line up here


Back then people were more respectful on the MRT.

I wonder how long before the MRT end up like the NY Subway?

a little exaggerated


Definitely fewer people give up their seats for those in need, and the ones who give up their seats tend to be middle-aged (fifty-year-old offering seat to eighty-year-old) rather than able-bodied young people. Young people are either on their phones or pretending to sleep.


Also people bringing drinks on board. I know the rule says no eating or drinking but when they are bringing bubble teas, not in spill proof containers, accidents still happen. I don’t think the rules are enforced correctly. Someone shouldn’t be able to bring open top drinks into the system. It’s a huge waste of resources because when a spill happens they have to dispatch a cleaner to deal with it as this can create hazards during rush hour.

Is it? How huge a waste of resources?

You were complaining in the other thread about excessive rules. You seem to spend a lot of time riding around on the MRT - how often have you seen people spill their drinks, and how long does the train usually need to wait while they dispatch a cleaner?

I’m sure it happens from time to time, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.


Seen it once, on the TV news.


I’m surprised you’ve only seen it once, if it’s such a huge issue.

Also: Taiwanese news. :sweat_smile:


It’s a massive problem, it looks like 1 or 2 times a year one of the >700 million trips on the MRT has a reported spillage! There’s around a one in a billion chance you could witness a reported spillage if you are a very prolific user! The horror!!! :scream: :runaway: :scream: :runaway: :scream: :runaway: :scream: :runaway:
"飲料灑"在捷運上 - Google Search


Those are some horrifying images!


Seen it a couple of times. They got to call a janitor to clean it immediately.

Oh how will the MRT live. I’m sure the cleaning ladies will appreciate all of the leaky garbage bags that leave lovely trails on the floor of rancid pop, coffee and bubble tea due to your new policy of banning unsealed drinks.

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I need to ask everytime for my pregnant wife and it’s annoying af. She is very obviously pregnant already too, no mistaking for chubby.

WRT to the Taoyuan MRT Airport express, the killer issue for me is the lack of intown checkin for most airlines.

Also last year when I flew to Hong Kong on China Airlines to pick up a flight to Europe although I could use the check in desk in Taipei Main (what a crap name - should be something like Taipei Main West to let people know it is not Taipei Main) I couldn’t cos there was no enough time from the 1st train leaving to me being at the airport.

I think out of the 20 of so flight I’ve done since it opened I’ve used it 4-5 times and taxi the others cos of the checkin and time issues.

If they sorted those and made it work more like Hong Kong where pretty much any airline can check in their bags upto 12 hrs (or more) beforehand I’d use it.

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I pass by the airport MRT every day and I see the check in desk there gets seldom used. It’s like a waste of space. I don’t know what the problem is, but there’s always tape over the check in area at most airport express stations, so maybe there’s legal issue preventing it from being used for most airlines?