LINE Pay and other mobile phone payment options

No, but they take cash if you don’t have PX Pay.

Aggravating, yes, but I reached a stage where that was the only place I was regularly spending cash. So I got the app.

In general: I use JKOS for small purchases if I remember to check, and if it’s available. That’s it. I’d probably use Apple Pay more often (which PX Pay sort of is for me), but I haven’t specifically used it in over a year now so I’m out of the habit. I use my credit card when I can. I occasionally toy with the idea of trying to use the MRT card (Youyoupay?) or LINE pay, but haven’t bothered signing up, because looking through a list of apps seems too much hassle.

Lots of smaller independent restaurants will take one or more of the services, but unpredictable which one. And lots of others will take cash only. You could get by without cash if you wanted, but it’d be a hassle, and I don’t think you could shop at produce or fruit stands at all.

When I started using apps to pay I started using fingerprint security. To pay, I have to pull out the phone, fingerprint it, open the app, fingerprint it, and do whatever at the counter with the phone. It got to be too much trouble so I started using my Easy card for small payments, but I use Line or cash for anything more than a few hundred. I still use Line online and anytime there’s a discount in stores.

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hi. Anyone foreigner with an ARC can successfully register Line Pay? I use both Credit card and bank account verification but it keeps failing. And making a phone call to Line corp. is just a bad choice since the line is always busy.

I would use the in-app support option. They’ve always been quite responsive for me.

Yes. You have to use “local” bank cards though. SC or hsbc or citi may not was very easy for me. Verified in a matter of hours.

hi Desi. To be exact, I have a Debit card, not a credit card. But I think it’s not that easy for a foreigner to have a Credit card. Mine is from Huanan (華南). Can the card still work in your opinion?

I don’t think so. You need a credit card. If you have a decent paying job and can verify your salary, getting a credit card is not as hard as it used to be. Try the friendly banks… CTBC, Cathay, E-sun.


I use a local debit card in LINE Pay without any problem.

Also have a foreign credit card set up in LINE Pay, however that one doesn’t work on some sites/vendors, and seems more at risk of being rejected at random times.
EG Momo won’t accept payments which use the foreign card at all, but PC Home seems OK with it at lower value transactions (maybe less than around NT$2-3,000).

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Contact Line pay through in-app support and ask to have this restriction lifted. They’ll ask for a photo ID matching the name on the card.

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This is not true. Foreign cards work with Line pay.

It doesn’t with mine.

Perhaps get in touch with support.

Maybe you need to contact your bank , some debit cards need to activate the function for Online payments , probably you will also need to set up a new password for this service , but this could be different for each bank

Also Line need to test your Credit/Debit card with a 3D Verification method (3D驗證)

when you add the card, the system will perform a test transaction of 1 NTD, just to confirm whether your card is valid or not

From Line Help Center:

3. 所有資料都輸入完成後,點選下方已變成綠色的「註冊卡片」,系統將引導身分驗證,身分驗證成功即可綁定卡片

:black_small_square:︎ 若綁定的是「中國信託」、「玉山」、「聯邦」、「國泰世華」或「台北富邦」的卡片,系統會檢查您於LINE設定的手機號碼是否與發卡銀行留存的手機號碼相符


※更多關於身分驗證的說明,請參考說明: LINE Pay身分驗證機制上線(快速驗證/3D驗證)


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Not needed. My local bank CC works just fine.

I opened a bank account with CTBC, whose debit card is co-branded with LinePay. Charges are automatically made to the card without the need to connect the bank account (it’s the same money, actually).

Even when I use my card instead of the LinePay QR, I get the same rebate (Line Points) and the notification on my Line account.


I’ve been a luddite. Yesterday installed line pay on my Phone. Nice English app. Added my Fubon Coscto card and my CTBC China Airlines Card. I could add my Cube card but won’t bother.

My wife also added my CTBC China Airlines card to her phone. Woe is me lol

Another luddite here. I’ve just registered with JKOPay and Line Pay and added accounts/cards to each. I’ve never used mobile payment methods before - got a couple of pretty basic, explain-like-I’m-five questions:

  1. As I understand, the main benefit with these two apps is that I can use cards in places where I otherwise wouldn’t be able to, such as convenience stores - is that right? And also collect Line/JKO points for… something?
  2. In JKOPay, I have a bank account and a credit card. With the bank account I can add money to the JKO wallet, and I can alternatively use JKOPay as a kind of service provider to charge the credit card, right? Is there any advantage to either method? And do I still get cashback for credit card transactions made via JKOPay/Line Pay?
  3. Is there a clear advantage to either JKOPay or Line Pay? Or does it depend on the store and whatever offers the two are doing?
  4. I see that Line Pay can both be used as a separate app and as part of Line. I’m guessing they’re both pretty much the same and it doesn’t matter?

yes for the first part, the second depends on the card you link it to. Not all cards give u points with the wallets, it is the reward scheme of the card itself giving u points (like the CTBC line pay card or the Fubon J card give u line points, the jkou card of taishin gives u jkou points, etc…)

correct, u can either top up cash from the bank account via the direct debit or us the credit card as “auto top-up” with each transaction. The latter is the only way to get points AFAIK.

it depends on the rewards scheme of the card, u need to read the T&cs, for most cards no, the HSBC diamond cashback card (which I applied to) gives u points back (which u can exchange for cashback or airmiles) if u use Jkou.

Line Pay seems more widespread, but Jkou lets u pay with public services with TPE city gov.

it is, the line pay app itself can be added to a wear os smartwatch and used to pay with the watch (very convenient albeit a bit slow in loading the data).

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  1. Yes, some places like 7-11 work with specific bank cards only (even would not work through Google Pay). Those QR-code payments work with those cards/bank accounts in such places.
    The points can be used during the payment to reduce the amount charged to your card/bank (there is a slider in the QR-code payment screen).
  2. There is no need to top up! They are capable of debiting the amount to your card/bank account during payment. Use the credit card if you want cashback/etc. from your credit card, but depends on the term of the card.
  3. Both are having different discounts they advertise in their app. Also some stores offer one but not the other payment option. But Line and JKO payments are both pretty widely offered.
  4. Pretty much the same.
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