I keep changing my mind whether I want to stay or go. One day I’m thinking “Yeah, I think I can do it. It will be good for me”, the next I read a bad story here or have my own bad experience and feel I just want to go home. Paralyzed by indecision.
But anyway it seems I have the opportunity to teach in Nantou, specifically a small town close to Nantou city. So I’m wondering if anyone knows much about what it’s like there?
I have stayed with a friends family in a different town once and it seemed fairly comfy. I suppose it’s not too far from Taichung either. I imagine being surrounded by mountains, with a scooter, could be fun.
However being the only white fella around might not be so much. I’m not at all outgoing, and have been struggling to make friends so I worry it might be worse for me.
I knew a teacher in Puli once and he absolutely loved it there, the waterfalls, the freedom, he had a local gf which may have helped …They lived at the bottom of a betelnut farm talk about going local.
It could be as good or as bad as you make it but you are going to have to put yourself out there a bit. You could join a local church, find out where the other foreigners hang out (there’s usually one place), make friends with some Thais or other foreign labourers or join a football or basketball team, get into cycling or motorbiking …
Yeah you definitely make some good points. And I really ought to be going to church…
There is at least an English mass there so that’s a little promising. I wonder how big the foreigner population is there.
The countryside is so much better. But it can be the worst part of taiwan if you marry into the local family and live in the same village. I think its worth it so long as there is separation from traditional family.