Local Painters

Very rarely do I see modern artworks by local artists that I like, but I’ve always wanted to buy this picture by Flying Fish an artist from Taidong (one of the islands actually, Green I think). For a long time, it was on display at the Good Day Cafe. I saw it again when I was in Taidong recently and took this picture.


He wants 100,000 for it. Should I part with the hard earned?

Green? Or Orchid? He has on a Tao helmet. I’d need to see it close up before deciding on the price, plus the size would have a lot to do with it. But I’d say 100k is fairly inexpensive, as he’s fairly well-known. If I had the cash lying around I’d probably go for it. (I’ve paid about 80k each for a couple of not-particularly-large oils that were done by a professional artist although not a very well-known or popular one, which is what I’m basing my judgement on.)
I like it, but its not my favourite – he has some much nicer ones, IMO, in particular a couple of almost dreamlike seascapes that I’d love to have.

I think it’s Green, but I’m not sure. Where they plan on dumping the nuclear waste, anyway.

You’re right Sandman. He does have a lot of beautiful paintings. It’s just that there seems to be so much to this one.

[quote=“Fox”]I think it’s Green, but I’m not sure. Where they plan on dumping the nuclear waste, anyway.

You’re right Sandman. He does have a lot of beautiful paintings. It’s just that there seems to be so much to this one.[/quote]
Orchid island (Lanyu) is the one with the nuclear waste dump and home to the Tao.