I want to buy some of these at a non-extortionate price. The best price I can find at major retailers is NT$12800 (despite their having been superseeded by the Z-5500s), which is nearly twice the price in the US. I think I have finally found something I can’t simply find cheap at Guanghua and might actually have to end up using ShopTheStates.com.
(On a related note, can anyone tell me if prices actually drop in Taiwan after electronic items are supeseeded by a later model, because as far as I can tell prices don’t appear to drop).
I picked a set of the z680s about 3months ago. I have been pleasently surprised by the performance. I got mine for 12800, aswell at a shop called “3 well computer store” in Nankan. I tried 3c but they said 14500, and made me wait 4 weeks after checking every week, and finally said they forgot to order them again(was told every week that they forgot but next week they would be here) :fume: . the best i can say is try the smaller shops, and see if they can order them in. I found some good deals online shipped from the states…but they are a heavy lot, and shipping killes any deal.
I think still worth 12800, because compared to my $2500 CAD system back home, this kicks ass.(very good)
I picked a set of the z680s about 3months ago. I have been pleasently surprised by the performance. I got mine for 12800, aswell at a shop called “3 well computer store” in Nankan. I tried 3c but they said 14500, and made me wait 4 weeks after checking every week, and finally said they forgot to order them again(was told every week that they forgot but next week they would be here) :fume: . the best I can say is try the smaller shops, and see if they can order them in. I found some good deals online shipped from the states…but they are a heavy lot, and shipping killes any deal.
I think still worth 12800, because compared to my $2500 CAD system back home, this kicks ass.(very good) [/quote]
I am currently using Altec Lansing 3151 5.1 Analog Surround Speakers. I thought they were OK at first, but even with my Audigy 2ZS sound card, they sound weak, except maybe in some games like Battlefield 2. I want speakers that both compliment my soundcard and make a noticable difference. So, do the Z-680s do this? Has anyone heard the Z-5500s? Are they really THAT much better than my current setup?
I picked a set of the z680s about 3months ago. I have been pleasently surprised by the performance. I got mine for 12800, aswell at a shop called “3 well computer store” in Nankan. I tried 3c but they said 14500, and made me wait 4 weeks after checking every week, and finally said they forgot to order them again(was told every week that they forgot but next week they would be here) :fume: . the best I can say is try the smaller shops, and see if they can order them in. I found some good deals online shipped from the states…but they are a heavy lot, and shipping killes any deal.
I think still worth 12800, because compared to my $2500 CAD system back home, this kicks ass.(very good) [/quote]
I just got a set of display model Logitech Z-5500s from 3C for NT$12000. Easy to connect and sound great once you calibrate them, which in a small room takes some time. Now, I just need to figure out how to connect my Toslink optical cable to my Audigy 2 ZS soundcard… any ideas? Damn thing doesnt fit!
what are you all trying to connect and which outputs do you have. Not sure if there Is there a converter for the toslink to the sound card out?.. or use the Line level out from the soundcard.
Do you just have the sound card or the external hub as well?
Scuse me while I wander in and meekly ask for help here.
All my music is stacked on my 'puter and I’m keen to make it the centre of my improved music universe. Problem is I’m not sure which way to go.
I quite recently picked up a DVD with AMP on board which I can route my music from the 'pute through to play through the house . . it aint that big. I’m thinking now the home theatre five speaker thingee (sorry, I aint au fait with the lingo at all, at all) is letting me down and I should up and get a good pair of front speakers.
Is this enough? Does the sound card matter that much? Please try to hide your derrision if this is as blindingly obvious as I’m suspecting it may be!!
So in a nutshell, do I opt to get a pair of good front speakers to suplement the cheaper 5:1 home theatre thingees, or is a soundcard way and beyond the crucial issue? Or do I need to look at both and perhpas something I’ve overlooked?
BTW, I’m in HK and regularly traipse over to China . . . they have cool sounding but cheap speakers over there! Of course, it also means I can pretty well get whatever my budget will allow.
[quote=“dealboyrandy”]what are you all trying to connect and which outputs do you have. Not sure if there Is there a converter for the toslink to the sound card out?.. or use the Line level out from the soundcard.
Do you just have the sound card or the external hub as well?[/quote]
I am trying to connect my Audigy 2 ZS to my Logitech Z-5500 from the cards digital output to the Logitech Z-5500 control panel’s optical input. I have a Toslink optical cable, but it doesnt fit into the Audigy’s digital out. I have just got an adapter, but the Z-5500 still doesnt detect a digital input via the optical cable. Any ideas?
I just went to a stereo shop. And bought a 5.1 amp thingy…and some speakers. Oh, and a self powered sub-woofer. Total cost was between 40,000 and 60,000…I forget. But you should hear the bullets flying by my ears in HL2.
I also have a computer speaker set up…but I use that for my TV. :loco:
Here is a recommend stereo shop…that’s supposed to be half as expensive here as it is in the states.
There may be some obscure setting within the Audigy to enable the toslink (perhaps one within windows too I’m not sure). . When its on can you see light coming out of the optical link? Its on and a signal is leaving the sound card if you can see light. The z5500 should automatically detect it. Your other option is to use the line level out…the three seperate jacks, front rear, and sub. These should give the same effect 5.1 with your sound card. as the z55oo has its own Dolby digital decoder in it, which is what I thought was so great about them. The optical link is the best way over all.
[quote]I quite recently picked up a DVD with AMP on board which I can route my music from the 'pute through to play through the house I’m thinking now the home theatre five speaker thingee (sorry, I aint au fait with the lingo at all, at all) is letting me down and I should up and get a good pair of front speakers.
Is this enough? Does the sound card matter that much? Please try to hide your derrision if this is as blindingly obvious as I’m suspecting it may be!!
So in a nutshell, do I opt to get a pair of good front speakers to suplement the cheaper 5:1 home theatre thingees, or is a soundcard way and beyond the crucial issue? Or do I need to look at both and perhpas something I’ve overlooked?
First, if I may ask… What kind of a DVD wth amp system is it. What are the watts for each speaker? It should have this on the back or under the unit…if all else fails…go and look in the manual, but do this last. As a guy i cant recomend the manual as a first option. My guess is that its between 5-40 watts each speaker. With this low power you can try different speakers of a higher quality, but make sure they are not rated much beyond the ones you have…it wont help…you need to match the power rating up for best results. However, i doubt this will make you any happier.
If you dont care about watching movies, or surround sound then 2 speakers may give you what you need, but if you want the ability to watch movies then keeping the system with matching 5 speakers is the way to go. the .1 in 5.1 is the sub.
The sound card makes a difference for sending a 5.1 signal to the dvd player and thus to your speakers.
Short answer… just 2 more main speakers not going to help. More powerfull amp and speakers, Yes. New sound card with higher output signal and/or digital out may make the 5.1 speakers you have perform better.