Looking at cellphone while stopped at red light resulting in fine

Can anyone point to the law regarding this matter please? Does the law forbid looking at phone while stopped at red light, as well? Got traffic violation due to being reported on by Citizen Snitch.

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Article 31-1


Seems you would be considered to be “driving”.



“… inhibit the vehicle’s safe operation, he/she shall be fined NT$1,000.”

Can’t understand how glancing at a phone at a stoplight can “inhibit…” safe operation."

Oh well, looks like there’s precedent so not wasting my time contesting $1k.

On a tangent, do these citizen reporters earn money turning people in? I’m curious.

Thank you, @tempogain.

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Very common to have phone on a holder in clear visibility while driving. Manybpeople just use it as their GPS navigator and glance constantly.

Maybe something else occurs ike light turning green and someone doesnt notice inhibiting safe operation.


It’s not “handheld” then as specified in the law.


You are lucky, it will cost you a lot more than that puny $1K fine if you get caught doing the same in most parts of Australia - by all means, look at it, but as the old saying goes “Keep your hand off it”, leave it in its holder.


These road snitches deserve a good thrashing. Just saying lol

Oh yeah, they’re the biggest threat on Taiwanese roads :roll_eyes:


Yes because taking pictures of people using a phone at a red light is a huge traffic threat. :roll_eyes:
Good use of police funds while a half dozen people ran the red at the same moment.

The latter would be easy to solve! Cameras up, immediate NT$44,444 fine for violators to make the point clear to those in the sinosphere about how unsafe this horrible habitual practice is.



I disagree with camera enforcement either. Cops get paid, have them do the work. There seems to be a cop on every corner not giving a crap

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Thanks for the morning laugh, man. I hope you have a great day!



Exactly my point. They do nothing so for me that’s the first port of call to fix the traffic. Politicians obviously don’t care so here we are :grinning:

She is unlucky because in Afghanistan, nobody would have given a shit.

To be fair, she is from the UK and isn’t it a big no no there?


Well, there wouldn’t be any if people like yourself weren’t putting others at risk.


No money is earned by reporting people breaking traffic rules.


People like yourself could also mind their own business too. But a lot of people like to rat others out for mistakes so…

I’d mind my own business if people like yourself weren’t putting others and myself at risk. Your kind of “mistakes” get people killed and injured everyday so perhaps you should start thinking about others for once.


You make a lot of assumptions for a comment saying that I don’t like rats (the behavior) But go on.
I’ve said what I feel about that type of behaviour so I don’t feel like replying further to it.

Handling a phone while operating a vehicle is prohibited in most jurisdictions. If there is a need to use the phone, one can easily find a safe space to park for the duration.

Many use phone holders and phones have diving mode which will accept voice commands.