Looking for a Mandarin (Taiwanese) tutor online for 10 and 15 year olds

Looking for long term (3-5y) tutor of my Taiwanese kids (10 and 15y old) who will move to the usa in 2 months
Classes online, 2h per week each kid
Need to know the exact Chinese program for them

Remember to add your location.

Edit. sorry, just realized. To confirm, are you looking for a tutor in Taiwan to do online classes while they are in the USA?

You should also start searching in your destination city. Then can still use zoom / remote, but the time difference will be less tortuous

So you want someone that has access to what is being taught in the elementary and high schools by the sounds of it.

What is your goal for your kids?
Do you want them to sit the TOCFL test? Or is it more to keep them proficient in case they return to school in Taiwan?

You might also want to check your local area if you’re planning on having them do Mandarin at school as they might only offer Simplified Mandarin.


Hi, the main goal is to keep them proficient (especially the small one)

You might be able to find some online tutors on tealit that could suit what you’re looking for.

Also keep an eye out for Taiwanese people in your area. They might not be tutor level but they will let your son feel more comfortable speaking Mandarin.

Also try to find age appropriate books in traditional Mandarin and encourage reading. Trust me this is important as once they discover TV and get their own cellphones they quickly lose interest in reading.

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Also, you can use a vpn to watch Disney+ -from- Taiwan, giving them several entertainment options in Mandarin

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