Not sure of the details but I was talking to my ball n’ chain and she said she saw a news story about a loser foreigner (an American by the name of Kevin) kicking in a door at a hotel and ending up in a police station. Apparently, on top of the damaged door, he had no money to pay for his stay.
Stay tuned; I’m still looking for a Canadian angle. So weird recently - non-Canadians bringing shame upon the noble whiteys of the R.O.C.
Was it just last night there was an item on the news about some American (US) guy staying in a hotel here and not paying his bills, and lounging and wandering around naked? They were even showing video of the guy in his hotel room walking around in his gutchies. WTF, on several levels!
That is one of the levels of WTF to which I referred. Another level of WTF is why the news would show such a video… WTF?[/quote]
I saw this with my wife and asked her the same thing.
How did they have the video of him in his hotel room. He was shouting out the window and wearing his underwear - but still - is this another case of Taiwan video cam’s in yer hotel room?
By the way, it looks like he was a Russian with an American passport. Which may or may not be valid…maybe a naturalized citizen or just a Yank with a Russian name…questions questions…
Yeah, my wife came up today with this story too and “about us crasy foreigners”. He also told me something that this guy was walking around in a 7-11 or something, naked and drinking alcohol there (which he just took out there, of course without paying). When the police came to get him, he asked them to bring him to Japan. I just don’t get it.
I guess she saw it on a different channel than which had a different version (or are there more naked Russian Americans running around on that island?)
That is one of the levels of WTF to which I referred. Another level of WTF is why the news would show such a video… WTF?[/quote]
you’re confusing what we might call the “news” back at home and what seems to pass for “news” here. this is a good thing, as it would seem to show you have enough intelligence to not have become aware of this difference. in my own defense i’ve inadvertently become aware of it, and i can assure you that by local standards this is clearly and definitely a newsworthy event, right up there with the latest drunk arguing with a copin front of 7-11 at 3am, or the dog that just wouldn’t get out of the way of some people trying to get into their home.
That is one of the levels of WTF to which I referred. Another level of WTF is why the news would show such a video… WTF?[/quote]
you’re confusing what we might call the “news” back at home and what seems to pass for “news” here. this is a good thing, as it would seem to show you have enough intelligence to not have become aware of this difference. in my own defense i’ve inadvertently become aware of it, and i can assure you that by local standards this is clearly and definitely a newsworthy event, right up there with the latest drunk arguing with a copin front of 7-11 at 3am, or the dog that just wouldn’t get out of the way of some people trying to get into their home.[/quote]
I’m begining to wonder what is ‘news’ here. Check out this story of a Chicago cop beating a bartender. (Video of the beating) Chicago cop goes off the deep end What was so WTF! about this, was that they showed the full length of the video on the news.
That is one of the levels of WTF to which I referred. Another level of WTF is why the news would show such a video… WTF?[/quote]
you’re confusing what we might call the “news” back at home and what seems to pass for “news” here. this is a good thing, as it would seem to show you have enough intelligence to not have become aware of this difference. in my own defense i’ve inadvertently become aware of it, and i can assure you that by local standards this is clearly and definitely a newsworthy event, right up there with the latest drunk arguing with a copin front of 7-11 at 3am, or the dog that just wouldn’t get out of the way of some people trying to get into their home.[/quote]
In Taiwan, anything is good enough to be on the news…
People throwing buckets of water at the cameras because they don’t want to be filmed… you can see it full length in the news.
I’m begining to wonder what is ‘news’ here. Check out this story of a Chicago cop beating a bartender. (Video of the beating) Chicago cop goes off the deep end What was so WTF! about this, was that they showed the full length of the video on the news.[/quote]
I hear you, I was at LAX a few days ago and saw this all over the news:
She apparently got 10 days suspension for the incident and the two brothers involved got their “15 minutes of fame” with interviews on “Good Morning America”…