Lost ARC while abroad


While travelling in Thailand I lost my wallet which contains my arc which allows re entry into the country, I currently am studying in Taiwan and I am asking whether they would allow me back into the country if I didn’t have this card.

I was thinking surely I’d be on their system which they could check and see I have a valid arc, also as I am from the UK I am able to come to the country for 90 days without a visa so I was wondering if I’d be able to come to the country and get that then apply for a new arc as soon as I get to Taiwan?

  1. Have you filed a police report?

  2. If so, take it to the Taipei representative office in Bangkok for certification.

  3. Yes, you are in the system, but a phone call to NIA for further instructions and so that they are aware of the problem is always helpful.

You do not need to apply for a new ARC, you need to apply for a new card. As explained before, the card itself is just for reference. Have you lost your student status by losing teh acrd? No. So your ARC is still valid as long as the reason for being here is valid. You need to apply to get a new card, bring pretty pictures, pay and go.

Good luck. Take care.

Do you have any copy of the ARC? Like, the picture in Google?


Have an onward ticket or airline may not let you board.

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外籍人士遺失台灣居留證是否會影響入境台灣? 可否入境台灣後再行補辦?

I once went abroad and left my ARC here. When I came back, I explained at immigration and they gave me a 90 day and told me to go to the NIA office and they’d take care of it. They said they could just cancel the 90 day, but as it happened my ARC was expiring and I was planning to stay a bit longer, so they let me just leave it and I stayed a few extra days after my ARC expired.

I once re-entered without the ARC having left it in Taiwan accidentally (this was some years back of course) and just came in visa-free, then returned to the airport the next day and talked them into stamping me in the previous day on the ARC so as not to break my residence for possible PARC-type purposes. I’m not sure that’s possible now but it would be worth looking into the question of whether there’s a way to get the “nature” of your entry changed if they just give you a visa-free or whatever (or if it makes a difference – and do triangulate with multiple sources to make sure the answer is accurate) so as not to complicate any possible future application for residence or other status.

I use my PARC to get through the e-gate. But need my passport at check-in. Passport and PARC to check-in on return. Than use the PARC at the e-gate to enter.

Can just use your passport to return through the e-gate, if you’ve registered previously.

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What is this PARC of which you speak?

Permanent Alien Resident Card (or APRC)

Oh. You can’t do that, the Taiwanese will not accept this terminology. To begin the name of the document with Permanent is unacceptable. The most important terminology required to describe us is ALIEN!

That’s why it’s APRC in all official government documents. I’ve never seen any official documentation as PARC. To the government, none of us are permanent!

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Nothing is permanent, my friend. : )


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