Lost Cause

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]I hope any wounds gathered through the process have since healed.



Ditto from me Foxie.

A great read. Sad to see it end so soon.


Thanks for the encouragment GT.

You guys gave me the will to finish that story. I had it booting around for years. Sandman, Almos John and Wolf had all read the first half. I was wondering if I’d ever finish it. It just seemed like too much work, but writing for you guys made it a pleasure all over again.

A shave and a quick haircut and that would be eminently publishable, I’d say. You should be submitting it. Kind of Panavision as opposed to the sepia tint of Killing an Elephant and that ilk.
Well done.

Thanks Sandman,

Are you offering your barber services? Would that include a cuddle?

General Van Pao the leader of the Hmong resistance mentioned early in this story was arreseted in the US in dramatic circumstances last week.

He is real old school.

From Reuters:

A special agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives posed as a arms dealer who worked through Harrison Jack, 60, a retired U.S. officer who served a combat tour in Southeast Asia. Jack was charged for his role.


According to the U.S. Justice Department, more than 200 federal agents conducted pre-dawn raids across California. “This investigation read like a movie script, but turned out to be reality,” Michael Sullivan, acting ATF director, said in a statement.

“The individuals arrested today thought an arms dealer would provide the necessary weapons and personnel to assist them in the violent overthrow of another government. An undercover ATF agent led them to believe he could fulfill their needs.”

The Bangkok Post had this article:

Wow! I saw that, didn’t put two and two together.

That was a mad plot.


I think the Americans would have been hoping for such an event perhaps even had in place some agent povocteurs to get the ball rolling and then hammered him.