Lost my ARC while in a foreign country

Hi! I’m in Japan at the moment and lost my ARC AND Passport day one. I can go to the US embassy and get an emergy passport, but I return to Taiwan in five days. Is it okay to just enter Taiwan on a 90-day stamp even if I’m technically a registered alien? My plan I guess is to just replace it when I get back into Taiwan. Or will this plan throw up red flags.

Thanks for any advice. Thank you.

Immigration has your ARC information in their system, so I’m pretty sure they’ll let you in with a warning to get it replaced ASAP. You may want to call TECRO to make sure though.

Their office here in Tokyo has a tough time communicating in English so I’ll just take my chances. Worst case scenario I’m still able to get back into Taiwan to plead my case of bad luck. :man_shrugging:

You’ll probably be fine…but don’t quote me on that. :grin:

There shouldn’t be any problems as long as you are who you say your are and your ARC and passport are valid. You’re taking the right steps to got the embassy to get your passport. With that, you should be able to get your ARC. Not sure if they will require you to re-enter with it but you can ask them when you get to Taiwan.

Technically to the airline, you’ll be a visitor going to Taiwan and they may not issue you a boarding pass without an onward ticket.

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This is probably a no brainer but since no one has asked, you have reported your loss to the Police and given them your contact details?

you might need to buy a “return” ticket to on-board the flight to taiwan.

I just had the same problem when I was in the US a couple of weeks ago. Border control has your info on file so no problem there. You get 90 days to go down to the immigration office and apply for a new ARC.

I took Air Canada coming back, and they were fine with me not having my APRC card. They even told me about the 90 day rule when I get back to Taiwan. My connecting flight with EVA was not so smooth as they wouldn’t let me on the plane without an out going flight from Taiwan. Luckily I had already foreseen this problem and had my H.R reserve a flight to Hong Kong for me a few days before.

Kind of weird EVA not knowing the rules with them having more experience in the Taiwan market. Guess they don’t want to take any risk.

Your problem will not be at immigration, but rather with the airline. I’d suggest either ‘renting’ a ticket (https://onewayfly.com/en/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI85eI-PqP4QIVSq6WCh3D-QqrEAAYBCAAEgKmHvD_BwE) or modifying an existing one you might have in your email.

I was in a similar situation recently. Despite telling the airline staff repeatedly that it would not be a problem as the immigration agent would see my info on file they wouldn’t budge. So I quickly modified a ticket to satisfy their demands. Of course when I actually arrived at the airport it was a non issue as I breezed through the e-gate without care or concern.

  1. Go get the police certificate saying your ARC was lost. In Japan, of course.

  2. Go to TECO Tokyo and get above mentioned certificate filled with as many seals and stamps as possible.

  3. Explain the situation to local NIA authorities upon arrival. Follow their instructions.

Airline should be fine as you can enter on visa free program if from US. Be flexible.

Better not lose accumulated time on ARC.

UPDATE! I found my passport and my ARC however my passport is now invalidated and I have to replace it. Will it be a problem when I board the flight with my current ARC? Or does it not matter what my passport situation is?

Like how? It just showed up 2 days later?

It showed up at lost and found in the Tokyo train station, so I got lucky there. Now I just want to make sure I can travel with this passport without having to go to the Taiwanese embassy because I am crunched for time and money.