M13 serious accident


taiwan motorbike vlogger and also long term forumosa member m13 has recently had a serious accident on one of his tours. two broken legs (femur bones) and one hand that will partially be removed. if any forum members remember him please take a look, the guy is in dire need of some help right now.

I hope he comes through it well ! Always enjoyed his many vids. But honestly, always thought it may be a matter of time until he gets into some sort of accident. He does not ride gently and it is just a fact that riding is dangerous in Taiwan (more so then many other places in the world) even if he did.

Wishing Mordeth13 a speedy and full recovery !

edit: Read the facebook postings and seems he got some pretty horrific injuries. Broken thigh bones? And those are the strongest in the body. And lost part of a hand.

And seems like he has always said, its better not to be too slow. He got this horrific crash at relatively slow speed by not paying attention. He may have been distracted by watching out for others on his tour.

Get better soon man.

Heal well mate. Be careful everyone, Taiwan road conditions are something else.

I read a bit his fb and it seems that he got distracted and hit the concrete lanes separator. Anyway, to have an accident here (or elsewhere, I guess) it’s a matter of time, no matter what your skills are. I hope he recovers soon and so.

Poor bastard.

Here’s hoping he recovers soon.

As a survivor of a serious motorcycle accident myself (flatlined in hospital and broke my back and hips, complete with 6-hour near death experience) and recognising the far greater objective dangers of riding fast and far in Taiwan, I did warn him several times to slow the fuck down, but some people don’t listen. Hopefully he’ll be a better rider after this: most people who survive a major crash end up as safer riders.

I always thought that if he were to ever get into an accident, it would be because of his tendency to take his hands off the handlebars and gesticulate while vlogging. The ironic thing is that he was riding slowly at the time of the accident, and I doubt he was gesticulating at the time. He was looking back and checking on his fellow riders, because he was concerned about their safety and well-being.

I donated some money to help him.

Get well soon, M13!

[quote=“urodacus”]Poor bastard.

Here’s hoping he recovers soon.

As a survivor of a serious motorcycle accident myself (flatlined in hospital and broke my back and hips, complete with 6-hour near death experience) and recognising the far greater objective dangers of riding fast and far in Taiwan, I did warn him several times to slow the fuck down, but some people don’t listen. Hopefully he’ll be a better rider after this: most people who survive a major crash end up as safer riders.[/quote]
Well, apparently he just lowered his attention level due to slow speed (this happens to me a lot). He was also leading a group of kids riding with him (every time I ride with somebody, I put a lot of attention on what can happen to them instead of what I have in front of me). However, well… I not always believe 100% what he says :smiley:

I genuinely hope he fully recovers soon and doesn’t have any other incident. May be I will make a humble donation too. Although I’m sure he has more money than me, this is a horrible and expensive situation that every single rider here may face sooner or later.

, what exactly happened to you? how did you crash?

From his previous posts here, he does seem to have been a dangerous driver who thought he was invincible. OTOH I wouldn’t wish that outcome on my worst enemy. I think most people don’t realise how thoroughly horrible traffic accidents can be, even non-fatal ones. Hope he makes a good recovery, or at least doesn’t end up permanently disabled.

urodacus: this thread probably isn’t the place for it, but I’m also curious what happened to you.

Hi, all.

It’s a very nasty accident that he’s had. No alcohol involved; driving at relatively slow speed; but paying attention to the safety of others behind him (he was leading one of his tours). I know Mordeth can be a bit of a dick at times (he says so himself), but those who know him personally will testify that he has a very good heart and has been incredibly generous to others, including myself, in their own times of need.

He is going to need a lot of financial help to get through the next nine bed-ridden months. I’m broke, but I’ll be contributing. If you would like to help a fellow Forumosan and expat in dire need, here’s his PayPal:

moredeth13@hotmail.com (yes, extra e )

I’ve asked him to provide his bank details too.

Mordeth has a wife and kid to support, and he desperately needs to hire a couple of full-time carers to help him through the days and nights. Please do help if you can.

I don’t know mordeth and I never really had a desire to from his videos and online persona. But I’m sending money his way anyway because I had a friend in a bad crash back home last year and nobody deserves that fate. Get better.

I don’t have paypal, but I am willing to do a direct TW bank deposit via ATM. Suggestions?

i donated yesterday. good to see support even from those who don’t care for him. pretty shocked to see such a good rider get laid to waste by a wall at slow speeds when he was just trying to help others.

quite. ATM details please, perhaps by PM to those who have expressed interest.

I tried to donate but the card associated to my paypal account doesn´t accepted payments, perhaps because I´m renewing it. Tomorrow I´ll go to the bank and try to sort it out, and then I´ll make my small donation. Banks…

Bank transfer would also be easier for me than Paypal. My Paypal wasn’t working when I tried the other day - new credit card maybe.

Years ago when I was just contemplating coming to Taiwan, M13’s videos were the first I watched. I’m not a motorcycle enthusiast but at the time I thought his ramblings about Taiwan were interesting. I haven’t watched his stuff in a long time, but I’d like to donate by bank transfer as well (PayPal screwed me up years ago in the US and I still won’t use them).

Just wondering, who took the photograph? I am not sure if my buddy was on the ground injured I would take a photo of that.

Just sent a little via Paypal, Wishing him a speedy recovery.

News photo. Apparently is the first time his face is been shown publicly so I suppose he wasn’t really planning on that either.