Made in Taiwan

Just wondering if there’s a single store or website where I can buy products exclusively made in Taiwan? I don’t want to buy Chinese made products if I can avoid it and would also like to support Taiwanese businesses (designed and manufacturered in Taiwan).


Some options:



Wow thanks for all these resources!

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Thanks again for these sources. I’m thinking about buying baby clothes soon ish and was wondering the same question for these. Seems especially difficult to find non Chinese made baby clothes (and clothes are what I want to avoid buying from China the most)

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I know a girl that works for a company that supplies products to big companies in the US. Some of them made by the company she works for. For other products, her company is a middle man. A few US companies have started asking for the products to not be made in China. Her company moved their factories out of China but still source some products from there. Reboxed, repackaged, delivered from a third country. But still made in China.


Due to geography, we’re not going to avoid any made in China unfortunately. If there’s any non Chinese branded products you find here 90% chance it’s made in, or sourced from China.

If China is evil, I suggest moving far, far from China. I suggest countries closer to India or Brazil. Otherwise we cannot avoid Chinese products at all.

But for example, close to 80% of us products are still made in America. Is there no way to purchase american made products?

Also Taiwan is still a big manufacturer of textiles is there no domestic manufacturing for clothes here?

Edit: it seems that only about 3% of clothes in the us are made domestically :confused:

Also Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh and India are all large clothing makers and geographically close to Taiwan. Shouldn’t these also be an option in Taiwan?

Making textiles and clothing are completely different things. Mostly you need cheap labor to keep it competitive. It feels like textiles mostly make themselves.

But it’s hard to find good quality clothing in Taiwan that doesn’t cost way too much. Not to mention they are often too small.

You can find a lot of these but its a case of looking at the labels, Bangladesh is especially big clothing manufacturer and competing with china in the EU.


There are huge sock manufacturing companies here. I have two guitars made in Taiwan as well. Anything I’ve bought off Ali Express has been over priced trash

Do you have an answer that can help @DogmaticStoic or not?


To be honest, I often find Taiwanese made products, especially electronics, to be of poorer quality than mainland Chinese products despite their higher price tags. There are a few exceptions, like 大同 rice cookers and certain niche clothing brands, but generally speaking I avoid made in Taiwan.

Just make sure it’s the metal datong rice cooker, not the plastic stuff. That one lasts forever and I don’t think you could ever ruin them if you tried