Magic Mommies at The Fairy Cafe

Magic Mommies welcoming all mommies or mommies to be!

If you are a new mother or mother to be and you live in the Southern parts of Taipei, this may be a fun, hasstle free outing for you. Our Cafe arranges a Magic Mommies Club meeting once a month for mothers living in the area, a small group of mostly mommies to be and mommies with young kids. Very nice for the kiddies to play with others, while mommies get a chance to relax with a cup of coffee (or Rooibos Tea for those who are preggers) and chat to other moms.

Our next event is on 24 April, Friday from 3pm to 5pm.
Call ahead if you have any questions, but no booking or ‘entry’ payment needed.
Just come on over and hang out for a bit! :wink:

Check out our web page for more details and directions:

Chiao for now! :bow:
Anje AKA Laoban Niang
(02) 8911-1113
The Fairy Cafe
Xindian, Zhongzheng Road, Lane 265, no5

Magic Mommies at The Fairy Cafe: Another month, another Magic Mommies. We’re arranging ourselves, but keep the 21st and 22nd open, our next Magic Mommies will be on either of these two days!