Man threatens to assassinate Pres Chen Shui-bian

Presidential threat
Wu Chueh-ming, a former student of Fu Hsing Kang College, Taiwan’s school of political warfare, caused a sensation yesterday by rushing up onto the review stand during a celebration of the school’s anniversary and stating his intention to assassinate President Chen Shui-bian. He was slightly wounded during the scuffle to restrain him.

Ho hum.

Another political ploy by the DPP for sympathy.

Wait a minute! Why didn’t Chen hire this guy in March 2003? It would have saved him a trip to the hospital (not to mention all of the time spent at those assasination attempt coordination meetings)

[quote=“STOP_Ma”]Ho hum.

Another political ploy by the DPP for sympathy.

Wait a minute! Why didn’t the Chen hire this guy in March 2003? It would have saved him a trip to the hospital (not to mention all of the time spent at those assasination attempt coordination meetings)[/quote]

Yeah…doesn’t that look like fake blood? And I’ll bet those officers were secretly in the pay of the DPP, and tossed the fake blood on him.



Yeah…doesn’t that look like fake blood? And I’ll bet those officers were secretly in the pay of the DPP, and tossed the fake blood on him.


Hi, Michael!

He kinda reminds me of this guy (sans the fake blood, of course):

(I meant March, 2004, BTW)

look at the way the blood streaked up the ridge of his nose and then down. the gravity textbook shows it’s clearly impossible. can anyone explain that?

Nooo it was photoshopped.

Obviously the KMT and Pan Blue supporters won’t follow the methods enacted by their own party for over 100 years.

Obviously it was all the DPP’s fault. White Terror? 228? ‘The Chinese Civil War’? That was secretly the DPP trying to win sympathy votes.