Marry an Amsterdammer for a day


Amsterdam girls on average are quite tall, or so it felt when I went there

What happens when it ends? Do i have to give her half of everything? Do we have bedroom funtime too? Important questions not being answered!


I think it’s sort of an arranged marriage thing like picking up a rental car.

“I had a reservation for somebody taller, preferably female.”

“Sorry, this is all we have left.”


Do you get to consummate the marriage?

Honeymoon experience. Normal people call them hookers. Seems the Netherlands really are on the cutting edge. But Asians have them with robots…

Apparently, Amsterdam is waaay behind the Islamic world, where temporary marriages are easily arranged - for a fee of course - for couples wanting to indulge in a little fornication without the risk of an impromptu lynching.

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And white men cafes



I like this idea. I believe in equal rights.

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