Marrying in Taiwan with a criminal record in Taiwan.

Hey, guys. Sorry if I’m posting this to the wrong forum.

So , to cut a long story short.

I currently have a criminal record in Taiwan relating to weed.
I ended up getting a 5 year probation for my sentence, 2 of which have already been fulfilled.

Now, my issue is, with this probation has come a work-ban, which has become a massive hinderance in living here.

One of my really close friends here has offered to do a marriage with me to help me legally work in Taiwan to bypass this.

My question is, as an American citizen, would I be able to legally marry her in Taiwan with this criminal record in Taiwan.

Or would I have too many issues along the way?

Could I marry her and get myself a marriage ARC, which would allow me to legally work in Taiwan? Or will this record stop me from working at all?

Thanks , everyone. If you guys need more information, I’ll be active here and answer all questions to the best of my ability. Much love!!

You’ll be able to marry her but the work ban will stand. NAL.

I don’t know the answer to your question. But I had to provide police certificates when I was married in Taiwan and when I applied for my ARC. It was implied that you should not have a criminal record.

I don’t think they could stop you guys getting married, but the ARC might be a problem. I have 0 idea whether this world override your work ban too.

Don’t do that. People around you will know it is a fake marriage and they could use it against you in the future.

Criminal record plus fake marriage do not a happy couple make.


You can always marry somewhere else and have the marriage registered here. I do not know whether it would help with the work ban. This is the first I ever heard of that. I think you need a criminal record check if you want to get a marriage ARC.

Thinking out of the box, the closest you might be able to get to living and working in Taiwan is to change your legal name and get a different passport and come back.

fingerprint too.


Yep. They got all the fingerprints now.

Oh wow, I had not thought about that. And I guess with digital passport chips you probably have a unique ID that moves with you even if you change passport.

And retinas

They would just be risking more criminal charges. Not worth it OP.

The only thing I wonder is if they could work online


I suggest you delete your post here and wherever else you’ve posted the question! You’ve provided more than enough information for authorities to identify you and act on any fake marriage plans you may have.


I really don’t get this work ban. Why would they want a foreigner here who isn’t able to work? Better to deport the guy.

Makes no sense to me.


Could be a visitor here (legally speaking visa wise) as being a resident I’m not sure due to article 24 point 3 of the immigration act (added point 7 in the quote for reference also):

National Immigration Agency shall not permit an alien’s application for residence or the alien’s application for modification of reasons for residence which was submitted pursuant to the preceding Paragraph if the alien meets one of the following circumstances:

3. Has had a criminal record, or has been denied entry, ordered to leave within a certain time, or deported from the State.

7. Is believed, on the basis of sufficient factual evidence, to have conspired with another person to have a false marriage or a false adoption.
Immigration Act - Article Search/Content Search Result - Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)