Mary's Diner and Mary's Hamburger

That’s why persian rug stores are always perpetually going out of business.


Wow thats a bummer. Love that place!

I would just like to say that I went to this place a couple years ago and had spaghetti bolognese. It was the worst microwaved piece of shit I have ever had. I’ll try to find a picture, I took one!

Should mention this was Mary’s Hamburger, not Mary’s Diner.

Your first mistake was going to have spaghetti in Taiwan.


You need to go to Britain for a proper spag bol

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Tried to make a visit today, but they were already sold out around 2. So I tried out ‘Mary’s hamburger’ instead. Seems like it was the original location. The fried rice and milkshake were great. Nothing else really stood out. I like how the fries in ‘mary’s xiao chi’ are normal and not that typical covered in corn starch fries you get everywhere in taiwan. I’m really over those.