Master/Slave power strip

Back in Germany I’m using a master/slave power strip - sometimes also called a smart power strip. The way it works is, if you turn on the device on the master socket (e.g. a computer) the current through that socket increases and triggers a switch which activates the power on the slave sockets (where you may have connected the printer, monitor, loudspeaker power supply etc).

I found some sources in the US, I think this would be suitable:

However so far I haven’t been able to find a source in Taiwan, and asking in Guanghua was a bit frustrating, nobody had even heard of such a beast. Any ideas where I could find it? Online stores would be interesting, too.

Most 3C stores carry them afaik, or try the Orange store (B&Q) or Homebox.

Here’s one, but it’s only got three plugs … A&ROWNO=40
This company makes 'em and tend to sell them at all the local consumer IT shows (not Computex though) … /strip.htm
Try googling for the model you’d want, such as this one for example

Thanks a lot for the help. :notworthy: I tried B&Q initially, but they don’t have it - so I decided to order from pchome, and found a number of other things I “needed” as well. :wink:

I guess I wasn’t looking at it right, it actually has five plugs, as there are three on the sides… doh!
Glad it worked out for you.

Good, so if that weak-supply-feeding-a-big-cap idea works, then the rest of the circuit ought to continue working as intended.

[quote=“TheLostSwede”]I guess I wasn’t looking at it right, it actually has five plugs, as there are three on the sides… doh!
Glad it worked out for you.[/quote]

It has got 6 sockets altogether, that is 1 master with three slave sockets plus two independent sockets.