Meanwhile on r/taiwancirclejerk

McDonald’s uses soy in the ink on their packaging.

And soy protein has been known to show up in… meat products. Probably including McD’s. :cactus:

OP used to be a moderator of /r/taiwancirclejerk. I (co-founder/admin) canned him because he wouldn’t play well with others and was too easily offended.

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Soybeans actually contain lots of antinutritional factors aside from phytoestrogens; there’s quite a lot of research on it because most of the world’s soy goes to feeding animals (particularly pigs), and it turns out that you can only give them a modest amount, or you’ll get problems.

I really like the various forms of doufu, but I don’t eat massive amounts of it. And because I’m not a soyboy, I eat meat too. Because real men eat meat. It’s what we do.

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You canned me? I removed myself as mod there.

But remember it however you like man. It really doesn’t matter to me.

Especially with stewed pig’s feet and pig’s blood cake.

You seem to be worked up enough about it to make a thread on Forumosa. Do you really want to give the geriatrics a heart attack?

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Ha ha I just thought the whole thing was funny. I came across it by accident. I actually think some of the points raised in that thread were valid.

Shit’s getting a bit weird here. Quite meta. :popcorn:

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I’m sure DerpyDogs and I could expand still further upon this topic, but then we’d both be…

Just stay away from insults and don’t say “Taipei County”.


Although “Taipei Country” would be oddly descriptive in some contexts.

We got country, and Taipei country

I’ve just woken up after my early afternoon sherry to this.

how about 台北縣? [post edited by mod]