Meeting for "entrepreneurial teachers"

I’d like to say that the Enspyre event [url]That start-up conference for foreigners was quite a pleasant way to spend the day. Considering the multitude of different needs of attendees and the range of things that could have been covered, I thought all involved did a great job of keeping everyone satisfied. No one seemed bored. It was quite inspiring, and I’m sure everyone learned a few things. Hats off to Elias and all his friends.

Now, about my meeting…

Kevin and I, who were both at the meeting and lingering around the end of the bar afterwards, are in the throes of opening a “new kind of buxiban”. The main ideas behind it are: teachers plan their own course and lessons; they contract the classroom from us and set their own tuition; we share marketing; the teacher and his/her students are part of a learning center community; courses must be designed for a given level, have a set number of classes (teacher’s choice), be topic-based rather than grammar-based, and make use of the methods and philosophies that fall under the umbrella term, Communicative Language Teaching, or CLT. (CLT targets experiential acquisition rather than reflective learning) You can look it up on Google.); and teachers must behave and dress professionally.

You can get more details by emailing us through our Web site found here:

On the site, you can navigate to login/instructor and click on the ‘proceed’ link to get to the Teacher Resource Center. There is a bit more information about our teaching opportunities there. You will need to email us for a password to access the downloads which have all the details, well the ones we’ve got worked out so far.

Notice that we are not putting this up on Tealit. We’re looking for people with entreprenneurial spirit actually. We want our teachers to be a bit bizzy. We are hoping to achieve a bit of that gung ho motivational spirit in our classrooms. We’re teaching Taiwanese adults who aren’t used to communicative classes.

What’s in it for you? A lot. First of all, you’re empowered financially when working with us (not for us). Your classroom costs are fixed, but your student numbers are only limited by our classroom size. And we have an auditorium too, if you feel up for it. Turn yourself into a product. And you’ll benefit by being part of our appealing package. Our learning center will have a cafe, computer lab, online lessons (that’s where we stuff the old grammar syllabus), scheduled activities, and more, as well as possible opportunities in the future for people who start working with us early.

The money? It looks like it should be quite easy to get a class going that can earn you at least $600/h with a modest number of students, say 5 or 6. That could rise to over $1200 with just a few more students depending on how much you charge for the class. A full class could be really lucrative. Do two courses if you like. We’ll even guarantee a minimum wage for courses we definitely want to see open. We want the teachers to make good money so that they will be happy and do well. We’re just limiting profit growth on our real estate and channeling it to the teacher, figuring that will get his loyalty. If business really takes off and we need to raise the rent to save our faces, people who got in early will be laughing. The contract protects the teacher from rent increases.

We’re very nice people to work with. That’s part of our business plan. We want to avoid a lot of the problems that other buxibans waste money dealing with. Plus, we have other products that most buxibans don’t have. Check the Website to learn more.

Email if you’re interested: for the password and more info. We’ll put you on the mailing list too. if you want to reach me specifically

Thanks again, Elias, Ann, Donovan, Chris, Mark and the “Enspyre Girls” whose uniforms were very inspiring. That was the best $250 I’ve spent in a long time.

If any of you nice people have any words of advice for us, please hit us with it. And if you know of any other thread where I should post this, please tell me by email. Keep in mind that we don’t want TOO many people.

The meeting is on both Saturday 3/8 and Sunday 3/9 at 2 PM. Come to either version. We want to make sure all interested people can come. Come just to see the place. It’s really nice. There are photos on the Website.

Doesn’t the above idea sound awfully familiar?

Yes, there have been similar ideas before. I hope the OP has read [url=Create your own course thread[/url].

But this one doesn’t sound ‘hyped’ and it does sound like they have more of the pieces already in place. I would be interested in knowing more about how this marketing is going to happen though.

I already met the OP in person, and was impressed enough that I’d like to go to one of his meetings to learn more.

I’ll say this - judging from the website, there is a ridiculous amount of money behind this project. :astonished:


There was at one time. The place used to be a very posh children’s school. As of now, the project doesn’t have too much money behind it at all, but if you want to throw some there… by all means, call me. And the site, well, it’s homemade.

Moved from ‘Business and Money’.

I took a look at this place last night. Like it a lot, and see potential here to make something good happen. Hope everyone will go on saturday.

Thanks to all who came to the presentations. They went quickly and a lot of good discussion took place afterward.

I will be monitoring this thread and will respond to any questions posted here. That includes people who haven’t contacted us yet. If you are interested in teaching a course you had better contact us right away. We will soon be moving to the marketing stage and our initial course list must be finalized. The confirmed number is heading towards ten now. We hope to assemble a catalog of about 14 before the opening.

All questions welcome here or by email. You might get faster attention by posting here in fact.

Our marketing plan is to use a combination of strategies which may include: subcontracting, ads on Yahoo Taiwan etc., flyers, publicity stunts, personal networking, advertising on Tealit etc., approaching companies regarding staff study (good response already in this area), and more.

A key feature of the initial marketing effort will be the open house weekend / grand opening. We want to get over 500 people to visit on that weekend (entertainment, free demos, prizes, etc.) and a few hundred more over the following week. We will obtain as much follow up information from visitors as possible during the open house. This information can be used for further subcontracted marketing if we find ourselves suddenly too busy to handle it.

Here are SOME of the courses we have received proposals for so far.

Backpacking with the Lonely Planet
Socializing in English
Survival Spanish
Human Potential Studies
Thinking in English
The Giants of Rock and Roll
Theatre Sports
Introductory French
Expressing Business Ideas in English
Theatre Sports


Would you guys entertain more business oriented english courses and programs?

Yes. Of course we think business-oriented courses will be some of the easiest to sell. And they should command higher tuitions too, say NT$300 per hour or more.

For biz courses, we think a good sales/marketing angle is the notion that Taiwan can no longer compete internationally by focussing lowering production costs. China’s got that one sewn up. Thus, Taiwanese business people must improve their ability to negotiate better with foreigners in order to stay competitive with Korea, Japan, etc.

Many local business people have a strong foundation of English learning already, but their verbal skills are too low to have a good discussion with a Westerner, let alone try to hit the Westerner with a sales pitch.

We plan to approach companies directly regarding all of our business-oriented courses. Also, please note that our auditorium is suitable for larger sized classes. It can seat about 100 (not that a class that big is desirable) and is fully equipped with a projector system, DVD player, VCR, microhones and ADSL connection.

Our electronic whiteboard would also be very handy for business classes.