Micro Dosing Psilocybin

I’ve been interested in microdosing psilocybin for a while and I’m going to give it a try. I’m mainly interested in benefits for my adult adhd and other potential benefits in productivity and creativity as my work requires a high level of creative solutions.

Anyone done it before? I’ll keep track in case anyone is interested.

I’ve been experimenting with many supplements for health purposes from cognitive benefits to physical health benefits. It’s something I follow closely and learn on my own time. Maybe I’ll create a topic with the science on supplements and my experiences if I did try them. I’ve found many supplements really benefit me in different aspects


I like to try it but it’s illegal in Taiwan, and I’m not going to go pick wild mushrooms no matter how much it looks like it…

Maybe we should make it clear for posterity that you’re not in Taiwan and won’t be doing this in Taiwan, but I’d definitely be interested in reading how it turns out.

My friend, who isn’t me, tried it a few times in Thailand, albeit not very precisely and it was more like somewhat reckless minidosing than actual microdosing.

He didn’t have enough time to figure out the minimum dose needed to feel something, or feel something and remain productive, but the minidoses definitely made for an unusually fun night out without being overwhelming. He’d be curious to investigate it some more next time.


Is mushroom legal in Thailand?

Eh. I’m a stickler for the rules, especially in Taiwan, but my friend sometimes prioritizes other things over legality. :man_shrugging:


You wanna micro trip so you can work better?

Dude. :doh:

I knew a guy in college, math major. Like PhD math is my life guy. He’d trip hard on acid before his big exams. Said it relaxed him. Seems he was right, in that he did well on said exams.

Micro dosing to get through the drudgery of the day tho? That’s sad on so many levels in my book. :closed_book:

Why not take more on the weekend, stretch yourself and see if you like the reset come Monday morning?

Idk if I have adult adhd. My kid does and what he describes is me to a t for the most part. But I’m always a sliver of will power from walking out of a job to chase butterflies. A micro dose of alriiiight would send me out the door. :door:

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Before going with microdosing have you actually tried a few small trips? I’ve heard from a friend that they are amazingly beneficial for the things you describe, just one small trip is like an adventure holiday for the mind, sets one up for a few months.


Is there any legally prescribed drug that can cause a trip?


I mean I gotten hallucinations from taking stilonox at the suggested dose (which is too heavy in my opinion).

Yeah lots of psychiatric drugs can push you that way. Which is why so many psychiatrists want access to psychotropics. The benefits in treating clinical depression are obvious. They’re using anti convulsants already to treat bipolar simply because it’s a good way to reset the brain and break cyclical thinking. But you could just as easily use psychedelics, you come back from a strong trip and you’re not the person you were. You very much feel like your brain has been scrubbed clean.


I’m not sure if Xanax can do anything, but at the doses given it does little except help my brain not think at a million miles an hour and let’s me sleep or at least tired. I’m not going to try a higher dose because I’m concerned about dependency.

But I don’t like stilonox at the suggested dose because not only I was getting hallucinations but I was sleep walking too.

I don’t understand why mushroom can’t be legal at least if prescribed by a doctor.

Try meditation. Ain’t nothin better. Calms me down so much… only problem is its quite difficult and requires a lot of time.

I mean shrooms sound fun and all but you can find those benefits elsewhere and for free, just in a less glamourous way.

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You don’t hallucinate on schrooms anyway. You trip. If you don’t know the difference, don’t trip.

I hallucinated when I had Lyme disease. It’s a whole other animal. :giraffe:

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My friend said something similar, that he was going to try small amounts of something to help with some anxiety he was having. He’s a full-blown drug addict now. Legality of what you’re addicted to doesn’t make a difference, dependency is awful, and it’s a slippery slope.

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Something isn’t everything. Some things are addictive in the real sense. Others, not so much.


Mushrooms aren’t an addictive drug. Microdosing doesn’t get you high.


Psilocybin is being studied in clinical trials for treatment-resistant depression, but not at levels that would cause full-on trips. Andrew Huberman did a podcast on psychadelics for mental disorders.

Mushrooms were legalized in Colorado, but of course not at the federal level, and sales are still not legal.

Neither is gambling. A compound doesn’t have to have addictive properties for someone to be addicted to it.

Psilocybin is a hallucinogen, what you talking about?