Micromanagement in workplace

Hello everyone, hope you all are having a great day. Last few weeks I posted here about a plan of transferring to another industry which some give their answers, and I totally appreciate. I always resort on visiting this forum to read and sometimes drop a comment.

For almost a year I worked with 2 leaders when my supervisor put me on a shift between the morning and the evening shift. An old female is on morning shift and a middle aged male on evening. Everything is working fine until I noticed that there is like a competition between who should I listen to and follow. At that time I noticed the difference on their leadership style, the old lady allows me to work on my own but wanted me to be quick and reach my output. On the other hand, the male leader is chill and laid back and doesn’t pressure me to have the specified output. However the male leader has a high expectation with the quality which I understand since our product needs quality and perfection. At that time, I am struggling with the 2 masters that I am working with, especially when it comes to work practices. After 9 months on being in-between 2 shifts, I requested to be on just one shift so I chose the evening shift. After weeks on evening shift with the male leader I noticed that leader uses ABC approach. If he wanted to say something to me, he will say it to the senior worker, then senior worker will tell me. I appreciate that this SW knows some English words and phrases however I don’t understand everything he says and if I need to confirm, he get mad. I am getting this feeling that SW don’t translate the words I said nor understand what I am saying since the leader sometimes shows a frowning face. Weeks goes by and months after months, I am being scrutinized with the simple things that is not even a major problem nor part of the process. I remember an incident when the leader showing me how to tuck-in a chair on the work station yet the major process on how to operates a machine is not being teach to me while other migrant worker is being taught those needed and necessary process. This is ongoing with the SW and the leader with these petty things that unnecessary yet noticeable. I asked a fellow worker if that is what they really do and told them the comparison on how the 2 of us migrant workers are being treated when it comes to work. Some have mix reaction, one told me that the workplace here is when they like a person, they will do their best to teach you all things but if they don’t like you they will scrutinize every bit that you do and wait till you make mistakes.

I was thinking, this might also be the reason why it triggers me a decision to move to a different industry. Although this is just a plan but I would like to know how to handle this. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and feedback. I am stress rn for thinking that this happens in my workplace every day that I encounter it first hand with the scrutiny from the leader and SW.


Is it because you’re a woman and they don’t want you to operate heavy machinery?

Try and switch back to the ol lady. She might give you a hard time for a few weeks , but just make out that you are so happy to have her as your supervisor.
Btw good luck, keep your chin up, and we’ve all had experiences of terrible supervisors.

Me and fellow migrant are both women, and the rest are men. We don’t carry heavy machineries, its more on sitting and walking.

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Thank you @crusher, I always try to go to work happy and positive but sometimes fellow workers are more exhausting than the work itself. Keep doing my best on my job too is what I focus.

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Oh I know that feeling well. It’s kind of good to have rotation , so that you don’t have to see the same people 7 days a week.
It’s not just you most people have this problem. There is never a fair workplace either. People will always have favorites and you will not only be judged on your productivity. … :+1:t3:

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