Mid-life crisis purchase required - ideas?

I feel guilty buying a new shirt every five years. My mate took up paragliding when he hit 45. That is one thing I know I won’t be doing.


Nfts’s are already obsolete, you don’t need 10 years


Talk about a death wish. You take up knitting mate, and stay alive for longer.

Interesting or boring fact, you decide… but NFT’s considered actual real proper art have been around for about ten years and are apparently good ways to invest. Christie’s and other large auction houses have sold off NFT’s, giving some of them real credibility. The NFT’s where someone makes fifty different copies of a digital monkey and then says they are all worth a million quid each and you should buy one quick is where the snake oil salesmen have come in and taken suckers for a shakedown. Cryptopunk and TPunk are types of bullshit NFT made in seconds and sold for millions, but then again these are mostly bought and sold using bitcoin. So it’s horseshit being traded for horseshit. The merge, The first 500 days and the Julian Assange clock are considered actual works of art, only available as an NFT and have some real stored value in the art world.


wooo…look at Superking getting all Cryto-y. Who knew.
Actually that’s some good info there. Going NTF it…TNF it…I mean NFT it. :sweat_smile:

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I would say I’m Crypto-curious Bri. If you use it like forex there’s money to be made. But I’m just not able to wrap my head around it all, I’m naturally (or possible traumatised by childhood events) cautious, and I don’t seem to want to spend the time learning about it all. So I just say it’s all horseshit, as an easy way to deal with it.

I would say the majority is horseshit. But there’s something to it.
I liken it to the idea of selling shoes on the internet. Ridiculous, but people do buy shoes on the internet. So who knows where this all leads.

NFTs , the principle behind it, I think are very powerful. Being able to slice and dice a real world asset or digital asset and make it available for sale to billions, to trace ownership, copyright, intellectual property, when a given say photo/picture was used to create a new AI artwork. There’s value there. You gave some good examples already.

I like the concept of worldwide DAO communities the most. I’m not aware of many that are changing the global paradigms yet of any industry or society, but it will happen someday. What happens when millions of DAO members can use their purchasing power or their voting power to do something. Could be powerful.

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My brain went into fog mode reading this part. Not gonna lie :joy:

As it turns out, you only needed to wait ten months…


Honest man. I have this effect on people. Powerful effect.


NFT’s don’t do any of that for real world assets or digital assets tied to the NFT; it does it for the NFT itself, but provides no direct anything to real world assets; that would all have to be tied into a tracking system (could be blockchain, could be something else) just like it does now.

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Try scuba diving.

Yeah, fuck that :smiley:


You can take up skydiving


Or join a men’s social club


Buy a new harem


Or get a dog


Or just chill and philosophize on the meaning of life


Forget the 911 and the corvette and the Ferrari by the time you can afford one you can’t get in one
And worse you can’t get OUT of one

It’s great.

Your candour is refreshing. :grin:


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Oh I have no doubt! Just I’m claustrophobic, not a great fan of open water, don’t like neoprene, and even looking at the rebreathers make me feel physically ill.

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Ok, now I don’t want to dive with you. :laughing:

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You’re right, good suggestions, but one thing I will not do is click TikTok links :wink:

Skydiving has been a consideration for some time, but I’m not the kind of “woo! fuck yeah!” sort. I will probably do it at some point but it’ll just be two sleepless nights of anxiety and then I’ll be even more jaded about life that there will be no thrill to it.

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Bought a laptop the other day, it was $9.

It’s my new dedicated Forumosa machine, we all know some threads in this forum is hard on equipment. Especially the keyboard


I think you are describing experiencing both agoraphobia and claustrophobia. That’s a heady mix of thoughts. Oof!

I like the ocean. It is mesmerising. However, the word on the streets is that large bodies of water will fucking kill you as soon as look at you.

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