Migrating to Taiwan

Hi guys,

Wonder how am I able to migrate to Taiwan ?

My wife it’s a Taiwanese, but she did not stay In Taiwan for quite sometimes (roughly 6-8years) and I’m not a Taiwanese.

1st of all we have nothing in Taiwan so as I can said we need to start everything from zero, so how are we going to start up in Taiwan ? Like jobs, housing etc etc…

We are late 30s we can’t afford to find a low salary jobs.

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If you have all of this settled where you are now, if probably doesn’t make sense to move to Taiwan.


Shouldn’t matter as long she had household registration (which she would have) when she left. If she hasn’t been back in a while it might be unregistered, but she wouldn’t be a NWHOR (national without household registration).

visa and stuff: should he relatively straightforward, she is a citizen, ao you can come on a joining family visa which would allow you to live and work here legally. look up JFRV visa to read about the process.
As for jobs housing etc. : depends what you plan to do here. Taiwan is a nice place to live, but immigration here might not be the best. If you dont speak chinese, or dont have a profession that you can work in here you will encounter serious obstacles.
in the end its all down to money.


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First step is probably for your wife to make sure all her Taiwanese documents are up to date, including her Taiwan ID, Taiwan passport, household registration, etc.

Second step is for you to apply for an Alien Residence Certificate (ARC) as a spouse of a Taiwanese citizen. Once you get it, you’ll be able to live and work in Taiwan without a work visa. You may want to look up immigration.gov.tw for more details.

For housing, you may try 589.com.tw

For employment, you may try 1111.com.tw

Bonus recommendation: If you can, move to southern Taiwan where the weather is nicer.

Best of luck!


We currently located in Singapore and it’s too stressful for us to continue staying in.

And 2nd reason it’s my father & mother in law having some medical issues that need us to take care of it.

I’m a Singaporean Chinese, so I do speak Chinese.

Yeah, you are right all down to money.

We had no profession. Damn.

Its easy for you to get setup here with your wife, especially as she is a citizen and can get household registration.

You will get an arc and work permit quickly. Health insurance, labour insurance etc all reasonable. Rent very cheap compared to SG.

Question is always high paying jobs You wont get pay anywhere to the same level of SG unless very fortunate. Taiwanese often get lower pay in SG but probably higher than Taiwan of courde.

This is something you just got to work on over time, connecting with recruiters, building up your resume, maybe getting job from Singapore and slong remotely, accept lower pay than SG as an incentive for them to allow you do from Taiwan.

There are many jobs without “profession”. If you speak Chinese and have a local wife you already have a good starting point.
Most foreginers encounter:

  1. visa and work permit problems (easy to solve : you will not have a problem since your wife is citizen)
  2. Language barrier that prevents them from working in Chinese speaking enviornment (solved - you speak Chinese)
  3. untransferrable skills - if you are a doctor / lawyer / engineer / licensed teacher etc. you need to take local certification tests to work in your profession, but there are many professions that dont require that, so depending on what you are doing you might find something suitable here.