Millennials are about to inherit huge amount: good or bad for Taiwan's future?

Of course. It’s capitalism and it’s not fair.

It’s probably going to crash the housing price.

The best solution to houses being willed to a bunch of different people? sell the house and divide the money up. My dad is already doing this. I have no reason to think as more baby boomers pass away, this will happen more and more.

There’s no way the housing price can stay so high when they are building like mad while population is shrinking.

It won’t.

It’s all supply and demand. If more and more are selling, it’s going to lower the price. If way too many people are selling, it will probably crash it. Mind you it probably won’t be Taipei city center, but it could end up like Japan.

Boomers aren’t dying off in large enough numbers to create a market crash. Japan isn’t a crash, just a bit dead.

Only way Taiwan’s housing price is staying up is because it’s being bought by foreigners (probably Chinese).

Which is supply and demand. If that’s the case.

Unless Chinese can come in large numbers, which isn’t too likely right now…

Even if Taiwan becomes part of China, they’re likely to prevent Chinese from coming here freely, just like Hong Kong.

You’re contradicting yourself with the supply and demand here. Are property prices overly inflated because of Chinese investment?

That’s simply not true.
It sounds like chatgpt hit a glitch again.

Please review your answer .

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Apparently we’re being skipped over… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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So it will just go up and up and I’d be a fool not to buy any property at all?

The US population isn’t increasing either but private equity is buying up all the available property and driving prices up. If you want to guarantee you’ll have housing at a set price when you’re old, you can get in on the pyramid scheme now. If you want to wait and see (or can’t afford), don’t buy. But mortgage rates are still below 2% in TW, so it’s effectively free money with inflation where it is.

I don’t have enough income to be able to qualify for any loans right now. In fact I’m most likely eligible for gov. benefits because my income is so low.

I simply do not have the money to get into the pyramid scheme right now, and whatever money I got won’t be enough to buy anything worth living in (at least not without a boatload of work).

My biggest concern is age discrimination with regards to renting.

This article from Japan could be a sign of trouble to come. When the next gen inherits I think A LOT of them will sell to enjoy the cash, rather than moving back to their hometowns or just keeping the property long-term as their parents did.

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To add, I dont think their business idea is good at all. Must be their buddy who wrote the article. But the stats on empty homes are kind of like the stats on global plastic pollution issues, not using global warming as an example, cuz many still debate that, even after last 12 record hot months.

When TW property bubble does go, it will go hard, def gonna need govt bailouts, FOR THE BANKS AND PROPERTY SPEC FIRMS, NOT Mr Ah Chen Public here.

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Not going to happen unless they jack up rates to the stratosphere. Money is toooooo cheap in Taiwan.

Seeing as you always claim you are so broke and live hand to mouth how are you going to buy a property?


Everything is possible!

Perhaps he has great expectations?