Millennials are about to inherit huge amount: good or bad for Taiwan's future?

Story in UK, I already see Taiwanese versions of family fights for big cash, but on other hand inheritors buying nice cars, travel and spending money and some selling old homes

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So, what’s the story? Old people die and their kids buy stuff with the money they were left? Or, spoiled rotten kids argue over boomer assets? Or the world is ending, and boomer kids are dicks? Or Boomer inheritances will drive the next bull market in everything?

And come on, fix the title. :grimacing:


Slow news day at the torygraph.


More people with lots of assets die, more contested wills.

I agree with the ‘expert’ from Squiggle, though. Never factor possible inheritance into your own retirement plans.

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I agree with that, but still some people do.

Importantly, millennials need boomer parents that have money/other assets in order to inherit anything.

It should be Gen X not millenials I would have thought.

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not for the same reasons tho, right? Many TWese just leave their one house to multiple family members, which ensures chaos.

Do Twese folks generally have wills? My brother-in-law just passed. he had a will and set up his kids with their inheritance before he died, and then told everyone else what they’d get in a family meeting. IDK how typical that is. :idunno:

Maybe yes, but over at BBC they have headlines like this today, BBC is running telegraph like news.

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How does it work here? Total freedom or oppressive requirements?

The parents of many Gen X folks are not boomers.


They’ve been saying this for a decade now?

Idk. I’m a millennial and my parents don’t seem to be old enough to die of old age anytime soon. I honestly think boomers will have the longest lifespan we’ve seen with how far medical advancement has come.

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I do think more Taiwanese now have wills, but people still go to court (some)

I assume he means Gen X are more likely to be inheriting from boomers than Millennials.

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Millenials start about 1980, many have parents who have died (myself included). The boomers are passing, that will only accelerate

GenX can also inherit from the silent generation.

This is true. I can’t because both my parents are boomers. But then I’m not a millennial, either.

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I suppose late millenials can inherit from early GenX!

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Surely the other way around? There probably wouldn’t be much to inherit from a late millennial.

Jeezus man we are not that rich! And I hope I don’t die before I get old.


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