Mindf*ck of the Day...because our minds need to get laid too

The red meat equals cancer narrative has been circulating for years.

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I don’t know but my mind is not getting laid from this.


Here’s a big mindfuck for many people…

The “foreigner guides” from the MOT in Tainan are incorrect…

第 211 條

一、閃光黃燈表示「警告」,車輛應減速接近,注意安全,小心通過。A flashing yellow light means “warning”. Vehicles should slow down and approach, pay attention to safety and pass carefully.

二、閃光紅燈表示「停車再開」,車輛應減速接近,先停止於交岔路口前,讓幹線道車優先通行後認為安全時,方得續行。(A flashing red light means “come to complete stop and then drive” Vehicles should slow down and approach, stop before the intersection, give priority to vehicles on the main road, and proceed only when it is considered safe.

BUT the “foreigner guide” says: “Cars approaching a red flashing light should give way to cars approaching a yellow flashing light.” (Without mentioning that you should come to a complete stop)


Your mind probably isn’t hot enough. :sweat_smile:

Well spotted, but not enough of a mind fuck for those who are familiar enough with the way things are done in Taiwan.

Please try again.


Seems many Taiwanese drivers are not aware of this rule. On several occasions I had to brake hard to avoid a collision, because a car coming from a direction with a red flashing light did not stop and took my right of way.
In Taiwan one must be more careful when having the right of way, even when driving through a green light!

Another mindf*ck is, one will get partial fault in an accident if your car was moving during a crash, even if one followed all traffic rules and the other party broke several of them.
Reasoning being, one must be aware of all traffic participants and stop before a collision!


That partial fault thing is only if it doesn’t make it to court. I.e you settle in mediation.

Court can and often does determine one side to be 100% at fault