Missing Person, David Allan Broderick, “Dave”, Canadian

Any drone owners amongst us Forumosans that live nearby that place?

Ok I did that.
No time showing below his name.
I checked other peoples status and it showed times.

Reading things like this makes me question if if I should get married.

At the site of the scooter, the cliffs, if a helicopter and coast guard were involved would they have searched the ground below and the foliage for any persons ?
Is it accessible by foot?

There are absolutely no trails. From the south, looks to be blocked by water. From the north, probably take some serious people to get down to the bottom. Very steep ravine, probably some direct drop offs cut though by waterfalls, unstable rocks and rock face from the heavy rain the hits that area, overgrown, very inhospitable. I’m kind of someone that thinks I could get into most places, there, not so much. Probably need ropes at least and gear to wack through.

A helo could fly near the rocks at bottom, maybe drop someone off although near the cliff face and rocks might be hazardous for blades. Small boat might be able to approach. This area is very hazardous water.

If they truly did use a helo, then at least did a visual. Did they put feet on the ground? Hard to guess. They may of made the judgement that anything that did fall, is already gone.

The road was literally cut into the rock face along huge cliffs.

Hikers reguarly disappear in Taiwan in the mountains. Helo will go looking, but frequenlty can’t land and someone has to hike in for 2 or 3 days. But the search usually continues hard core for days and even a couple weeks. Did they search effortlessly for days or a couple weeks? Don’t know.

Did they decide he got into a car with someone? Who knows.

Maybe they did see people getting into cars, but couldn’t confirm it was truly him, and used that to give the wife hope.


Thank you for that information, very helpful

Just curious if there are any other sites for “foreigners” in Taiwan to use to talk to one another about anything, specifically Canadians?
Want to scroll through the user names and discussion topics to see if anything appears to me.

Maybe the sister was just so sad and wanted to help her sister with anything in any way possible to help her feel better. Maybe sister rented a helicopter because wife was just to distracted.

Helo is not a big thing in Taiwan. Mostly government or industrial purposes. Very few (like less than 10, more like 5) that might be available and registered for rent to tour, search, etc.

Could fly probably 45-60 minutes from Taipei Songshan airport to site. Search for 30 minutes, fly back and forth looking for clues, return to Taipei 45-60 minutes. Total time around 3 hours. At international rates, less than US$500 per hour. Don’t have to be rich to do it. Especially in an emergency just throw it on a credit card, pay later.

I’ve seen helicopters at Green Island airport. Very probably not based there as no reason, and the weather is extremely bad for many months of the year. Possibly as locals, they might know anyone connected to helo transport around Green Island. As discussed, its’ extremely small community. The airport runs alongside the only living community area, so they would be constantly aware of airport services and probably use the airport in/out as would many middle class people that go to/from Taipei. It’s not a big luxury to take a plane flight to Taipei. Less than US$60 definitely less than US$100 one-way, locals and people that know when and how to buy would be getting good rates.

Taipei is actually closer and the closest airport that would have commercial type helo based. So helo probably flew from Taipei.

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any other sites for “foreigners” in Taiwan…

If you mean ‘websites’, yes, there is another forum for foreigners in Taiwan
There are also lots of groups on Facebook
Most of them are about to find jobs, and have been created within the last 2 years
Let me see if there is a specific group for Canadian citizens

Ok thank you

Is that a website ?Screenshot_20190224-203725_Samsung%20Internet

This fb site you mean?


There seem to be technical problems at the moment.

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Thank you


Nothing. It was a joke.

So what happened to him?

I did a quick search on FB
There is a group ‘Canadians Living in Taiwan’ 87 members
and a few other groups, more or less official

Tell the truth, your message with photo and text is all over FB Taiwan
Every regular FB user has seen it for sure

By the way, I learnt that Happy Canada Day is on July 1st
Your brother looks to be a proud citizen of his country
Even in hiding, he would have showed up somewhere to celebrate
twice… July 1st 2017 and July 1st 2018

No. The link I gave you is the one for the Canadian Chamber of Commerce´s Facebook page. It also has a website.

If he is dead obviously won’t be celebrating.
If he is alive and hiding, probably has no one to celebrate with or may have even hidden the fact he is Canadian.
This is so frustrating the not knowing anything

Yes, I’ve seen it in many groups. Maybe post again later to hit them again.