Mistreated dog, what can be done?

A relative of my girlfriend has a dog. She doesn’t take care of it and it is badly neglected. My girlfriend is not on speaking terms with this relative but we just went over to their house to collect some mail for my girlfriends parents.

The dog is in a very bad way, it has been left in a filthy room all alone without food and wearing a diaper (because the owner is too lazy to take it to the bathroom). He is only skin and bone and barely has the strength to move.

When we saw how bad the state of the dog was today my girlfriend called a friend and they have now taken the dog to the vet (without the owners knowledge). If it turns out the dog is microchipped she says there is nothing we can really do without the relative taking legal action against us for stealing her dog. So she said she will have to take it back before they get home.

I can’t really stand to see the state of the dog and not do something about it. Does anyone know what we can do (preferably without suffering any legal consequences)? The relative is not someone that we would be able to reason with.

Other relatives have told us that they have previously called authorities about the dog but all they will do is send out a warning letter to the owner. This would have no effect, she doesn’t care and believes she has the right to treat the dog however she wishes because it is hers.


There is the legal way, dog is fucked.

And there is the way that helps the dog. I think you know what that means. It probably also means either hyper stealth or losing a friend.

@Icon any advice where they can go?

Op what location are you in?

Can’t you tell them you will help take the dog off their hands? sounds like they don’t really want it.

Also, isn’t there some animal rights associations? Or is Taiwan really that backwards that you can put nappies on a dog because you are too lazy to take care of it and just get away with it scott free?

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Taiwan has very strong animal right legislation.


The vet should have enough evidence to report this as a case of animal cruelty.

If you took any pictures, they can be sent to animal welfare groups.

True, it is difficult to get the person just to give up the dog, but if cruelty is proven, then that person can be “encouraged” to give up the dog in exchange for not paying the piper.




Makes me so angry :rage:
I had a problem over a year ago about house mate leaving his dog alone without company up to 10 hours that I knew of, possibly longer.
I created a post on Forumosa and only a few questioned it and 2 persons in particular defended the owner’s actions.

My girlfriends dog was a rescue dog and recently we realised why!
Pair of us was walking about apartment with a slipper in our hand looking for a mosquito, then realised he was hiding under the table shaking :cry:

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Tread lightly if doing this. potential problems related to face, revenge, general immaturity are more than likely the result.

Best case is anonymous spca/police. many areas wont do much, but some places like taipei seem to actually follow up.

regardless, dont let an abused dog case turn into a human assault case :slight_smile: It is very hard, Sympathize. But people that do this tend not to be the brightest crayon in the box. play it strategically, not emotionally. for safety reasons.


What difference does it make questioning it on Forumosa? Raising awareness, or something?

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Reminds me of House of Cards, the first season, first scene.

There is always something you can do. But, I recommend letting it go. Not all suffering can or should be ended by us/you personally.

Thats some rather weak posts guys, animal abusers are usually people abusers also.


I have some relatives who has cats. All of them are (were) old age females, some unmarried, some married with kids. They have dozens of stray cats locked in a (personal) cage. They did feed the cats regularly, and give them water. Some occassionally call a vet for visit, some not. The cats are all in bad shape, as they are never released, always locked inside cages. All of them have fleas and various skin conditions. I know, they used to let the cats roam free, but no longer do that due various reasons, other people complains of cats roaming, no time nor energy to keep an eye on them, among others. The cats are either too fat (never moves, keep eating), or too skinny (had worms on them).
They rarely clean the cages, some locked in a makeshift cages from pallette wood that has no light. Most are forced to sleep on top of their own sand. The “favorite” cats gets a few hours outside the cages with makeshift bungee cords to prevent their escape.
In their mind, they are saving the cats. No amount of persuasion would be heeded. Only an incident with neighbor, with the neighbor threaten to smack her head if the cats still roaming, causing one of them to lock the cats in cages.
There are visits from local TV and local group of animal lovers (not RSPCA, we don’t have them back home), not sure whether they are visit for concern or praising them. One them tell me these visits without mentioning further.
The cats always comes and goes, they rarely put an effort for zip the ties, and the cats always maintain in a number matching the cages. On occasions, they are taking strays from wet markets. The house are also not maintained, rats are everywhere, which is ironic, when you have dozens of cats, yet the cats not capable to chase rats.

In their minds, however, they are saving the cats, and they are the good guys for providing for the cats. They got defensive when asked about cats by other relatives and would go berserk yelling on top of their lung. Their defense will be along the lines of no other person will take care the cats and they will be left to hunger or hit by cars outside.

Moral of the story, any changes must be coming (forced) from external source (RSPCA in your case is a good one). You (and wifey) have no say in this matter, if you do try, wifey will lose relations with them, and they will ignore you anyway.

Be strategic, understand psychology, move forward.

Your shit kicked in helps 0 dogs. Like emergency services always repeats. take care of yourself first, then help others. Make a smart plan before rushing into the fire. Otherwise you are just another needing rescued. which puts additional stress on various systems.

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