MIT Open Courseware - Chinese

By chance, I caught an interesting program on TVBS channel 56 this afternoon about bettering higher education in Taiwan. On the program with Academica Sinica Lee and TSMC Morris Chang was the chancellor/prez of MIT, Susan Hockfield. She mentioned a program called MIT Open CourseWare (MIT OCW) which is a online resource for distributing all the teaching materials from their classes, the purpose being to spread free higher education to anyone seeking knowledge. After going online and checking it out, i found these resources for Chinese language studies - syllabus, readings, assignments, reading material, study guides, mp3s, pdf text books, etc. - really a goldmine I think.

Here are a few links to navigate, the first one will take you to the second…etc.)

  1. MIT Open Courseware main page.

  2. Foreign Language and Literatures.

  3. Chinese I (check link above to find II, III, IV, V, IV courses)

  4. Study Materials

  5. I also found this link about streaming media offline. Real audio format i think.

  6. Chinese Open Resources for Education seems to be a chinese partner organization that makes other courses available in chinese.

Any comments or feedback about what you find useful is welcome. I notice there are a few different versions of the classes, so you will have to dig around.

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