Mob "Justice" and the demise of rational discourse

I guess so but I think of Germany. It’s illegal and punishable by jail to Seig Heil or goose-step even as a joke. Didn’t seem to stop the proliferation of skinheads and Nazis there in the past few years.

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imo it was his intention to not be too clear in his statement.
it’s the media’s job to enlighten every single aspect of it and that’s how they earn their bucks. it’s all hypothetical though. the president should give clearity yet he’s not able/willing to.

In Germany there are many banned symbols even symbols as tattoos that are illegal yes. There are lots of neo nazis there yes, but it is kind of hard to know if the numbers would be different without the ban.
I think that giving the middle finger even to your fellow Foromosans is illegal in Taiwan. It still happens , but I wonder to what extent it happens, is due to the law or the social taboo of that mighty middle finger :thinking:

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i’m sure there are a lot more nazi paraphernalia collectors in the us than there are in germany. though they are not all nazis of course.

compare it to tobacco laws. you can make a pack 30$US and some people would still smoke.

what would you do? exempt everything or try to find a middle ground?


All of those media are capitalist corporations which anyone can compete with- sometimes successfully, like Fox News; sometimes not, as in Conservapedia, Parler.
Apparently you want the government to order people what to watch, what to read, and what to buy. Why do conservatives hate free enterprise so much?

I believe Nazi paraphanalia and collectibles are illegal in Germany while in the USA not. Confederate collectables are also very prized in the US, this one is getting much demand found a few weeks ago. Not by me unfortunately. Worth huge money

I was responding to the idea right wing thought dominates society, basically turn off Fox news and you wont get any. Try not getting liberal views not rammed down your throat 24/7 if you are a conservative, from education, to Hollywoood, from cable to print.

I am not telling anyone what to watch or read. Neither was I the one making the claim how everyone is inundated with right wing influences. The opposite is true in fact you need to go out of your way to find right wing sources of information, with the exception of Fox, maybe some print papers as well.


This is key. The liberal viewpoint is the default viewpoint if you consume news.

You really have to go out of your way to consume honest coverage of conservative views. In the lib media, conservatives are rarely treated as anything but bad/stupid/aggrieved people, and their opinions are uniformly scorned.


Is this like you should wear a mask and if you don’t you’re stupid? Not all voices deserve a platform. Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.

Not if you live in rural America. Turn on the radio and it’s the Christian preacher followed by your local Trump sycophant. Go to church on Sunday the preacher will remind you of the evils of liberalism. Shop at the local market and Mary the owner will regale you all the stories of the Mexicans in town who work at the Tyson plant are always taking jobs. This used to be a good town.

Get out of Manhattan once in awhile.

if you do that you really live in your own bubble.

I sympathize (well, theoretically, but…). Again, whose fault is that? People who produce media can’t make you watch or listen. If there is this huge pent-up demand, surely someone would take advantage of it.
The corporations promoting ‘wokeness’ mostly don’t give a shit; they are just trying to stay trendy- how many of them torpedo health insurance or unions? The point is that lefties have been saying all along that economic power is political, and the right wing has been saying, no, no, an individual worker freely negotiates on equal terms with a giant corporation. For a leftist to complain about the power of Facebook or Amazon makes some sense. For a conservative, it doesn’t- they just don’t like the shoe being even culturally on the other foot.

I never thought of @bojack as a Manhattan type :slight_smile:

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Not hard to picture really…



I always took that mean well-meaning people on both sides. Not extreme, there for the ride, somewhat ignorant of what was going on and unwilling to go full antifa or nazi…you know…college kids :idunno:

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An interesting read from an academic perspective that is from just before this all exploded:

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I’m not sure why people are so eager to call Fox out for biases but completely ignore the other MSM that are left leaning. I used to watch CNN and MSNBC, and even TYT (not main stream) but eventually I got tired. I still watch CNN, but only because it’s most accessible and I still like to get different perspectives. But give me a break on Fox, everyone knows Fox is biased. But I tolerate it because it’s the only real conservative main stream news in the US and we need different perspectives even if it’s biased to balance out the left leaning media.