MoI changed the ID Number format

If you use Easy Wallet and have bank accounts linked, that can also break:

Connection with some banks worked after I changed ID on Easy Wallet and the bank, but some were broken for months. Specifically Chang Hwa Bank (not surprised there). Easy wallet fixed that manually.

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To clarify everything about Line Pay works fine after I updated my ID at the bank except for the iPass Money depositing money back into my back account.


I want to get this done tomorrow, what place in Ximen are you taking about?

I guess this one:

I faintly remember this place, inside the Taisugar Hotel or sth.

Yep, that one. I think it’s at the back of Taisugar hotel.

Went there this morning. Better not go before noon, they will take their break and you have to wait until they come back. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Yeah, unfortunately. That’s why I usually go there in the morning if I want to get it on the same day. They could probably afford to do that because there’s not too many people around lol.

Next up, where do l go and change the number for my apartment ownership title deed, the Land Office? Anyone done that?

Thought Fubon went smoothly last week. Today spent another hour or so getting them to tell the credit card department to make the change too. I asked them last week if credit cards would be taken care of. They said, yes. Well, no. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Taiwanese bank way. If they don’t know something, they will lie to your face with confidence. :grin:


can’t lose face by telling “sorry, no clue”, need to give u BS so u dirty foreigner get out of our faces ASAP

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Sorry if this has been covered already. For the new ARC card with the new ID number and your old ARC number mentioned on back of card, do you now have to go to all your banks and other places to update your info or best to just leave it as is?

Banks, NHI, Driver’s license. Some banks improved the procedure. Some are terrible and need long time 1h+

If you have mobile contract, let them update the ID number linked to your phone number too. Some banks/companies verify your phone number by checking if linked ID matches your ID.

Mobile payments if used e.g. Easy Wallet, etc.
Other places can update too in time (YouBike, WeMo).

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yep, be prepared with lotta patience, good luck!

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Thank you both for the info. If I don’t update the personal information at these places, life still goes on right? The whole system keeps working right? They won’t suddenly impound my car, close my banks accounts right? That’s the problem I have, I DO NOT definitely DO NOT have the time or patience to go to 20 banks, carrier, government buildings.

I’m sure I remember reading of some people saying that their banks had contacted them to say they needed to go in to update their info to make their account work again, but maybe they just didn’t fully describe the situation and their previous ARC on record with the bank had expired.

I know of someone who hasn’t updated hers with most of her banks yet, and I didn’t bother updating mine with NHI or Chunghwa.

Thanks Andrew. Yes I subscribe the the “ignore it, and hope the problem goes away” way of life

Pls don’t complain if things go wrong then


If you set up automated payments in banks e.g. rent, those can fail. Mobile payments might fail because of ID number mismatch.
Some banks will do update the ID number without your doing.

Eventually the old ID format will be made invalid, but that is still way out.

I would imagine it’d cause problems eventually, but if you can’t be bothered, so be it.

I doubt all your accounts would be shut down at the same time, for example, so as long has you have enough money to survive spread across a few accounts, I guess you can deal with the problems if and when they occur. :man_shrugging:

Probably won’t just go away though, and you’ll have to deal with it eventually.

Don’t forget to update the ID in your payroll

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