Money fraud / house manager

it happened again in our building.

Since moving in (bought our place) 5 years ago I noticed that our management company changed already 4 times.
Even more curious, the leader of those companies is frequently changing (around every 3 months). The normal
staff changing too, but I guess that’s because they each found better jobs to do, so they just left.
I always thought thats a bit strange, so recently I asked a neighbor if he knows something …

He told me, our house committee repeatedly found out, money is missing and research was those leaders
are taking out our money. Companies are compensating us, so no big deal and they are after those bad guys.

I am wondering, is that a common problem ??? Every time I see those people they just look around or sit over their
PC’s. Sure, a lot are honest people, working hard - but maybe some are just thinking about ways how to take
money out. Being a leader for a management company, don’t they have a kind of security-check ?


Not just here. in Belgium too, apartments with 3 or more units they need to have one by law, they can set-up their own and register it or hire a company to do it. So many companies spring up from nowhere and try to get the contracts … some of them never paying a dime of what needs to be paid and of course after some time they get caught (sometimes a few years) … mostly when insurance companies start complaining about not being paid …